
  • 【人名】Moriaty
  1. 许多公司制定上市时间时有意避免与阿里巴巴同期定价,美银美林(BankOfAmericaMerrillLynch)的美国股权资本市场主管JD•莫里亚蒂(JDMoriarty)说。

    Many companies deliberately timed their deals to avoid pricing alongside Alibaba , says JD Moriarty , head of Americas equity capital markets at Bank of America Merrill Lynch .

  2. 柯南•道尔爵士借福尔摩斯之口向其助手华生(Dr.Watson)解释,说他能在瀑布边缘从莫里亚蒂手中逃走,得归功于“‘拔顿术(Baritsu)’,一种日式摔跤术”。

    Instead , Conan Doyle has Holmes explain to Dr. Watson , his assistant , that he escaped Moriarty 's clutches on the edge of the falls through ' ' baritsu , ' or the Japanese system of wrestling . '

  3. 在前一个故事的结尾中,福尔摩斯同宿敌莫里亚蒂教授(ProfessorMoriarty)决战后跌入瑞士的莱辛巴赫瀑布(ReichenbachFalls),在《空屋》里他却奇迹生还了。

    In the story , Holmes appears to return from the dead after tumbling over Switzerland 's Reichenbach Falls in a final battle with his nemesis , Professor Moriarty , in a scene at the end of a previous Holmes story .

  4. 夏洛克的人物背景仍然忠于原著:福尔摩斯和华生医生依旧住在贝克街221B号;神秘凶手依旧激发着福尔摩斯的推理能力;这位神探依旧和他的死敌莫里亚蒂较量着。

    The setting of Sherlock remains true to the original story : Holmes and Dr Watson live at 221B Baker Street ; mysterious murders stimulate Holmes ' reasoning powers ; and the detective takes on his arch enemy Moriarty .

  5. 如果莫里亚蒂想要王冠,他可以直接拿走;

    If Moriarty wanted the jewels , he 'd have them .

  6. 如果是莫里亚蒂,那我们早就死了。

    If this was Moriarty , we 'd be dead already .

  7. 照莫里亚蒂希望的做,逃亡,跑!

    Doing what Moriarty wants , becoming a fugitive . Run !

  8. 对此莫里亚蒂并不担心。

    Mr Moriarty , for one , is not worried .

  9. 最后的结论就是莫里亚蒂只是个演员?

    The big conclusion of it all , Moriarty 's an actor ?

  10. 错误一,莫里亚蒂根本不是个人,

    First mistake , James Moriarty isn 't a man at all .

  11. 布鲁克是夏洛克雇来扮演莫里亚蒂的人。

    Rich Brook , an actor Sherlock Holmes hired to be Moriarty .

  12. 他当然是理查德·布鲁克,没有什么莫里亚蒂。

    Of course he 's Richard Brook , there is no Moriarty .

  13. 莫里亚蒂很聪明,他在她脑海里植入怀疑的种子。

    Moriarty is smart . He planted that doubt in her head .

  14. 而莫里亚蒂不是从我这得到的。

    And Moriarty didn 't get this stuff from me .

  15. 我得赶紧去贝克街莫里亚蒂回来了

    I have to go to Baker Street now . Moriarty 's back

  16. 莫里亚蒂公诉案件请到10号庭

    Crown v Moriarty , please proceed to Court 10 .

  17. 我花了两年时间瓦解莫里亚蒂的犯罪网

    Moriarty 's network . Took me two years to dismantle it .

  18. 莫里亚蒂不会罢休的,他发誓要干掉他唯一的敌手。

    Moriarty is obsessed , he 's sworn to destroy his only rival .

  19. 误解:莫里亚蒂教授是福尔摩斯的死敌。

    Misconception : Professor James Moriarty was his arch-enemy .

  20. 这意味着作家可以自由地对邪恶教授莫里亚蒂进行改编,不用支付费用。

    That means the writers can refine the evil professor Moriarty for free .

  21. 为什么.因为我必须阻止莫里亚蒂

    Why ? Because Moriarty had to be stopped .

  22. 他是反派莫里亚蒂教授,如果苏格拉底是福尔摩斯的话。

    He is the Doctor Moriarty to Socrates'Sherlock Holmes .

  23. 如莫里亚蒂所愿,当个逃犯。

    Doing what Moriarty wants , becoming a fugitive .

  24. 首先,詹姆斯?莫里亚蒂根本不是一个人。

    James Moriarty isn 't a man at all .

  25. 莫里亚蒂疏忽了一点

    Moriarty slipped up , he made a mistake .

  26. 莫里亚蒂今天早些时候被指控……

    James Moriarty , earlier today accused of ...

  27. 你是说莫里亚蒂怎么做到的

    You mean how Moriarty did it ? Yes

  28. 莫里亚蒂王冠偷窃案,请前往第10法庭。

    Crown Moriarty , please proceed to Court 10

  29. 莫里亚蒂的犯罪网络波及太深

    The criminal network Moriarty headed was vast .

  30. 没有辩护,莫里亚蒂无罪释放。

    No defence and Moriarty 's walked free .