
  • 网络Carlos Moya;moha
  1. 我想同为巴萨粉丝的卡罗斯莫亚大概已经飞到巴黎去看比赛了。

    I think that Carlos moya , who is a Barcelona supporter , has flown to Paris for the game .

  2. 在上个月刚刚率领西班牙队战胜美国问鼎戴维斯杯的莫亚,今年却不会出现在戴维斯团体赛的赛场上。莫亚1月12日宣布,今年将不代表西班牙参加戴维斯杯的比赛。

    Carlos Moya , who led Spain to victory over the United States in the Davis Cup last month , is skipping this year 's event to concentrate on Grand Slam tournaments .

  3. 莫亚已进入决赛。

    Moya has got through to the final .

  4. 费德勒:是的,但并不像你说的那样邪乎,毕竟我的对手莫亚有伤在身。

    ROGER FEDERER : Yes , but not all that fantastic because he 's injured .

  5. 莫亚让人帮他做腿部按摩。

    Moya having his legs massaged .

  6. 托罗多夫一开始打得不错,在第一回合将莫亚眉毛处打裂了一个口子。

    Todorov got off t0 a good start , splitting Moya 's eyebrow in the first round .

  7. 姜还是老的辣。在第6回合,莫亚一记右直拳将托多罗夫击倒。

    In the sixth round , experience beat youth as Moya landed a right punch , knocking Todorov out .

  8. 在去年的戴维斯杯对阵美国的决赛中,莫亚作为西班牙的领军人物率领西班牙队取得了最后的冠军。莫亚在决赛中战胜美国的“发球机器”罗迪克的比赛一直为人们所称道。

    Moya won both his Davis Cup singles matches , including one against Andy Roddick , to lead Spain to a3-2 win in the championship .