
  • 网络Malden;maldon;molten
  1. 这个地方–莫尔登岛–才是真正的荒野。

    This place – Malden Island – it 's really wild .

  2. 这位老将军穿越加拿大边境,在莫尔登向英军发起攻击。

    The old general crossed the border and attacked the British at Malden .

  3. 此外,新莫尔登工厂还是斯佩里海事工厂的主要中心,为商业海事和国际防务市场提供导航雷达和电子海图技术。

    In addition , the New Malden facility is Sperry Marine 's primary centre of excellence for navigation radar and electronic charting technology for commercial marine and international defence markets .