
  1. 可是教育类学校长期以来都是全额拨款单位,不存在成本这个概念,学校会计制度也未作要求。

    But the education school is the whole sum appropriation unit for long time , there are no cost conceptions and the accounting system of the school also did not make the request .

  2. 江苏省农业科学院是一个具有70余年历史的综合性农业科研机构,从事除水产、农机之外的农业技术研究,是一家省政府直属的全额拨款事业单位。

    Jiangsu academy of agricultural sciences is a comprehensive institute on agriculture research , with a long history over 70 years , devotes in researching on agriculture except aquatic products and farming machines .

  3. 历经十余年的地勘经济改革,地勘事业单位已由全额拨款事业单位转变成差额拨款单位,并且逐步走上市场化经营、企业化管理的道路。

    After more than ten years economic reformation of GSI , the geological survey institutions have transformed from the full allocation units into the balance allocation units , and gradually move to the path of marketing management and Business administration .

  4. 曲阜市文物局为全额拨款文化类事业单位,其人事制度是在计划经济体制下形成和发展起来的。

    Qufu Administrative Bureau of Historical Relics ( Qufu ABHR ) is full allocation of cultural institution . Its personnel system is formed and developed under the planned economic system .