
tàn zhuān
  • brick fuel
炭砖[tàn zhuān]
  1. 炭砖石墨化度的X射线衍射测定方法&非晶态定量相分析


  2. 本文给出了炭砖石墨化度的X身线测定方法,讨论了非晶态的定量相分析问题。

    This article described the method of measuring graphitization degree of carbonaceous brick by x-ray diffraction as well as the quantitative phase analysis of amorphous material .

  3. 镁钙炭砖在LF-VD精炼炉渣线部位的试用

    Probation of unburned MgO-CaO-C brick in LF-VD refining furnace slag line

  4. 天津钢管公司炼钢厂150t超高功率电炉用国产优质镁炭砖后,平均寿命达220炉,炉衬工作层单耗为1.36kg/t。

    A home-made high quality MgO - C brick in 150t UHP EAF in Tianjin Steel Pipe Company has achieved an average life of 220 heats and the working lining consumption of 1 . 36kg / t steel .

  5. 采用MgO-CaO-SiO2系列喷补料,以镁炭砖、镁砖为靶砖,用小型火焰喷补机在热模拟炉进行火焰项补试验。

    A simulated test of flame gunning has been carried out with small flame gunning machine by using MgO-CaO-SiO2 gunning mix and taking MgO-C brick and MgO brick as the lining surface .

  6. 高抗氧化性镁炭砖的研制

    Development of magnesia - carbon brick with high resistance to oxidation

  7. 大型高炉用半石墨质自焙炭砖

    The semi & graphite selfbaking carbon brick for large blast furnace

  8. 高炉炭砖性能与原料的选择

    Selection of materials and property of carbon blocks for blast furnace

  9. 致密不烧铝炭砖在包钢3号高炉炉腹的应用

    Application of unburned alumina-carbon brick to Baotou Steel 's No.3 BF

  10. 烧成微孔铝炭砖在高炉上的应用

    Application of burning microporous alumina - carbon brick in blast furnace

  11. 连铸钢包用铝镁尖晶石-炭砖的研制及应用

    Development and application of MA spinel-C brick for continuous casting ladle

  12. 国内外高炉炭砖的现状及发展

    Current status and development on domestic and abroad BF Carbon Brick

  13. 高炉用微孔炭砖的研制及应用

    Development and application of microporous carbon brick for blast furnace

  14. 磷炉炭砖的腐蚀原因分析

    Analysis on the Corrosion of Charcoal Brick in Phosphorous Stove

  15. 高炉炉缸用热模压小炭砖的性能与使用

    Properties and operation of hot - pressed carbon brick for blast furnace

  16. 石墨粒度对低炭镁炭砖性能的影响

    Effect of graphite particle size on properties of low carbon MgO-C brick

  17. 铝炭砖的抗氧化性能

    Investigation on the oxidation resistance of alumina - carbon brick

  18. 高炉炉缸炭砖脆化层的形成及防止

    Formation and Prevention of Brittle Layer in Blast Furnace Hearth Carbon Brick

  19. 抗高铁氧化物熔渣的镁炭砖

    MgO-C brick resistant to molten slag with rich iron oxide

  20. 直流电弧炉用镁炭砖的导电性能

    Conductivity of MgO-C bricks for direct current electrical arc furnace

  21. 一种新型炭砖铣床简介

    Introduction to a new-type milling machine for machining carbon bricks

  22. 轻烧真空油浸镁炭砖的开发

    Development of lightly calcined vaccum pitch impregnated magnesia-carbon brick

  23. 影响高炉炉底炉缸炭砖使用寿命的因素

    Factors influencing service life of carbon bricks lined on furnace bottom and hearth

  24. 高铝尖晶石炭砖的研制及使用

    Development and application of high alumina spinel carbon brick

  25. 高炉炭砖的导热系数及其影响因素

    The thermal conductivity of carbon bricks for blast furnace and its influencing factors

  26. 我国镁炭砖生产状况及其发展

    Production situation and development of MgO-C brick in China

  27. 铝镁尖晶石炭砖在盛钢桶上的应用

    Application of alumina - magnesia spinel brick in ladle

  28. 炭砖现状及今后的发展

    Present situation and future development of carbon block

  29. 新型高密度低气孔率电炉炭砖的开发与应用

    Explortation and application of new high density and low porosity carbon block for electric arcfurnace

  30. 对高炉炭砖透气性和导热性的试验研究

    Test and Research on Gas Permeability and Heat Conductivity of Carbon Brick of Blast Furnace