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fēng sāo
  • coquettish;beautiful;literary excellence
风骚 [fēng sāo]
  • (1) [literary excellence]∶风指《诗经》里的《国风》,骚指屈原所作的《离骚》,后代用来泛称文学

  • 江山代有才人出,各领风骚数百年。——赵翼《论诗》

  • 唐宗 宋祖,稍逊风骚。—— 毛泽东《沁园春·雪》

  • (2) [coquettish]∶指妇女举止轻佻放荡

  • (3) [beautiful]∶形容女子秀丽、俊俏

  • 体态风骚

风骚[fēng sāo]
  1. 感遇咏怀诗体现了风骚传统及建安风骨,表现出诗人的高尚情操和政治抱负,对扭转齐梁以来的浮艳文风,起到了重要的作用。

    The poem of voicing feelings reflect the literary excellence and the vigorous style of Jian An and show the poet 's loft sentiment and political aspiration .

  2. 江山代有才人出,各领风骚数百年。(赵翼《论诗》)

    Each age brings forth new genius on this noble land , | and each will rule its own domain for years to come .

  3. 粉丝们还震惊地发现,美国终极好女孩汉娜•蒙塔娜(HannahMontana)变得卖弄风骚、不修边幅了。

    Fans were shocked to see Hannah Montana , America 's ultimate good girl , get raunchy .

  4. 《风骚律师》(BetterCallSaul),AMC,2月8日播出。这是文斯·吉里根(ViceGilligan)与彼得·古尔德(PeterGould)的《绝命毒师》的衍生剧,或许是今年冬天最受期待的新剧了。

    BETTER CALL SAUL ( AMC , Feb. 8 ) Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould 's " Breaking Bad " spinoff is probably the most anticipated new series of the winter .

  5. 卡门如此多情,总是卖弄风骚。

    Carmen s so rrtatng , she 's aiways showng off .

  6. 她比他在文学上稍逊风骚。

    She in to some degree inferior to him in literary .

  7. 石油泡沫的终结,可能会使科技业重领风骚。

    The end of the oil bubble could set up a tech comeback .

  8. 他的眼睛呈褐色,显得机警、灵敏、风骚而又工于心计。

    Her eyes were brown , sensitive and shrewd , erotic and calculating .

  9. 跳肚皮舞的姑娘风骚地在桌子之间移动著。

    The belly dancer mover sensually among the tables .

  10. 我爸妈不喜欢太卖弄风骚。

    My parents don 't like anything ostentatious .

  11. 保持良好关系并不意味着你得去造谣八卦或卖弄风骚以取悦他人。

    Good rapport does not mean you have to entertain rumor mongering and flirting .

  12. 现在城市里引领风骚的是知识型工作者。

    Cities are now dominated by knowledge workers .

  13. 有时艾伯丁的脸看起来沉闷不快,有时又容光焕发风骚迷人;

    Sometimes Albertine 's face looks dull and sullen , sometimes glowing and sultry ;

  14. 风骚并称与南北文化之关系

    Feng and Sao Putting together and Relationship between Cultures of the South and the North

  15. 文质半取风骚两挟&评唐人选唐诗(三种)的选诗标准

    Comments on Three Criteria of Selecting Poems in Selected Poems by People in Tang Dynasty

  16. 二十五载变革成长百花争艳敢领风骚&贺《图书馆论坛》创刊二十五周年

    25 Years ' of Reform and Development : Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Library Tribune

  17. 全球化哪种语言领风骚

    Which Language is Leading in Globalization

  18. 至今,它仍在美国流行乐坛上独领乡村音乐的风骚。

    So far , it is still a rural American pop music , music coquettish independence .

  19. 除了给出高额奖金,各个奖项还有别的方法各领风骚。

    But financial muscle is not the only way an award can differentiate itself from the competition .

  20. 今天的科技巨头,哪一个也能在它成立后仍续领风骚一百年?

    Which of today 's technology giants might still be standing tall a century after their founding ?

  21. 王建民将会是一个重要的贡献者,带领洋基王朝未来几年的风骚。

    Wang is gonna be a big contributor for the new Yankees dynasty for the years to come !

  22. 通俗文化,精英文化,官方意识形态文化三足鼎立,各领风骚。

    That is to say , popular culture , elitist culture and authoritative ideological culture scrambled for readers .

  23. 其与时下才子佳人小说中的淑女佳丽鼎足而立,竞相媲美、各领风骚。

    With nowadays , " Romantic " novels lady contestant separate categories , competing rival , leading the trend .

  24. 将一种意念揉合熔化,保留心智的神韵风貌,直到它与这样的音乐共领风骚?

    Melt a sense that shall retain still some spirit of the brain , till with sounds like these it join ?

  25. 四位作曲家之间有着继承与发展的关系,但又各领风骚,独具特色。

    These four composers , who inherited and developed from each other , were still holding the leading positions and unique styles .

  26. 90年代末出了很多以高校为题材的电影。包括风骚坏姐妹,一个以谋杀为主题的黑色喜剧,跟希德姐妹帮电影比较像。

    The late '90s brought a ton of high school-centric films , including Jawbreaker , a murder-themed black comedy similar to Heathers .

  27. 展望全球,预计中国将继续在太阳能光伏领域引领风骚,美国则紧随其后。

    Across the globe , China is expected to continue to lead the way on PV , followed by the United States .

  28. 从新主流的角度看,他们则是附丽其上尽领风骚的晶莹泡沫。

    But in the eyes of the new mainstream , they are crystal bubbles moving with the tide to better display their beauty .

  29. 虽然如此,三圣各以其特有的魅力而各领风骚。儒家思想的核心是宣扬内圣外王之道。

    Anyway , each of three saints is unrivalled in individual charm . The core of the confucianism is to respect saints and king .

  30. 在辉煌灿烂的宋元文化中,山东区域文化以其鲜明的特点和活力,占据着显领风骚的地位。

    Among the brilliant Song and Yuan civilization , Shandong with its distinct characteristic and vigor regional culture , occupies the apparently important position .