
lì dù
  • strength;force;intensity;dynamic;depth
力度 [lì dù]
  • (1) [dynamics]∶指曲谱或音乐表演中音响的强度

  • (2) [strength]∶力量的强度

  1. 能不能适应新常态,关键在于全面深化改革的力度。

    The intensity of our endeavor to comprehensively deepen reform will determine whether we will successfully adapt ourselves to the new normal .

  2. 这项附加为诺尔灯饰厂(2.5),包括像后效果神奇功能边缘的突发,颜色连接,直深入的力度,全3D的蒙昧。

    This add-on for Knoll Light Factory ( 2.5 ) in After Effects includes fantastic features like Edge flare-ups , color linking , Z-depth intensity , and full3D obscuration .

  3. 新法规受到欢迎,但力度还不够大。

    The new legislation is welcome but does not go far enough .

  4. 总统说这一举措对犯罪分子过于宽容,力度太小。

    The president says the measure is soft and weak on criminals

  5. 店主们加大了对顾客的邮寄宣传力度。

    The owners of the store have stepped up customer mailings .

  6. 进一步加大干预的力度只会是继续白扔钱。

    Further heavy intervention would be throwing good money after bad .

  7. 音乐只是增强了她话语的力度。

    Music is merely an enhancement to the power of her words

  8. 他拒绝降低对这起丑闻的调查力度。

    He refused to soft-pedal an investigation into the scandal .

  9. 美国计划加大现有经济制裁的力度。

    The United States plans to tighten the economic sanctions currently in place

  10. 现在他准备通过开展地区性的媒体活动加大宣传力度。

    Now he plans to rev up publicity with a regional media campaign .

  11. 我觉得对当地野生动物的保护力度不够。

    I feel that not enough is being done to protect the local animal life

  12. 执法部门加大了调查力度。

    The legal authorities cranked up the investigation .

  13. 救济机构正加大力度提供食物、住所和农用器械。

    Relief agencies are stepping up efforts to provide food , shelter and agricultural equipment .

  14. 民主改革的力度并不太大。

    The democratic reforms have been modest

  15. 医生们希望加大现行法律的执行力度,如禁止向孩童出售香烟。

    The doctors want stricter enforcement of existing laws , such as those banning sales of cigarettes to children .

  16. 新的证据削弱了对被告的指控力度。

    The new evidence has weakened the case against the accused .

  17. 近四分之一的5岁以下的美国儿童生活在贫困之中,而美国对贫困人口的救助力度却很小,因此这一代人的贫困正在下一代人身上重演。

    With almost a quarter of American children younger than 5 living in poverty , and with America doing so little for its poor , the deprivations of one generation are being visited upon the next .

  18. 键盘可以通过分析用户输入的力度和按键之间的时间来提供一个强大的安全层。

    The keyboard could offer a strong layer of security by analyzing things like the force of a user 's typing and the time between key presses .

  19. 这类活动的时间有限,但折扣力度通常较大。商家们会用“aflashsale”作为标语来吸引顾客。例句如果你想买机票,可以关注一下圣诞节后常有的限时抢购。

    If you want to buy flight tickets , look out for the flash sales which are common after Christmas .

  20. 要不断加大投入力度,加强农村基础设施建设

    Must increase the investment dynamics unceasingly , strengthens the countryside infrastructural facilities .

  21. 需要的力度与材料的硬度成反比

    The amount of force needed is inversely proportional to the rigidity of the material .

  22. 加大减税降费力度

    Further cut taxes and fees

  23. 要加大再分配力度,强化互助共济功能,把更多人纳入社会保障体系。

    We should make efforts to intensify assistance , and have more people benefit from the social security system .

  24. 意见强调,要加强宪法、民法典等普法宣传力度。

    It emphasized the need to boost the public 's familiarity with laws and regulations such as the Constitution and the Civil Code .

  25. 60%的求职者从面试官们的握手力度上,决定自己是否接受这份工作,58%的求职者从与面试官们闲聊的感受上,决定自己是否接受这份工作,58%的求职者从衣着上,决定自己是否接受这份工作。

    They will decide whether to accept the job based on the interviewer ’ s handshake ( 60 per cent ) , their quality of small talk ( 58 per cent ) and dress sense ( 50 per cent ) .

  26. 对于校外培训机构乱象,群众反映日益强烈今年一季度,12315在线平台的教育培训服务投诉举报达4.71万件,同比增长65%。持续加大校外培训市场监管力度

    The first quarter of 2021 saw surging complaints about the tutoring industry , with the total number of complaints filed by consumers via the online service platform " 12315 " topping 47100 , up 65 percent from a year earlier .

  27. 要共同维护全球产业链供应链稳定,中国将加大力度向国际市场供应原料药、生活必需品、防疫物资等产品。

    We need to jointly2 keep the global industrial and supply chains stable . What China will do in this regard is to increase its supply of active pharmaceutical3 ingredients , daily necessities , and anti-epidemic and other supplies to the international market .

  28. 请大家放心,我们军队将会继续加大反腐力度,一步一步推进制度建设,逐步形成不敢腐、不能腐、不想腐的有效机制。

    We assure the public that the army will continue fighting corruption7 and improving the mechanism8 to prevent corruption . Hopefully , no one in the army will dare to be corrupt6 , no one is able to be corrupt and no one wants to be corrupt .

  29. 为更好发挥北京在中国服务业开放中的引领作用,我们将支持北京打造国家服务业扩大开放综合示范区,加大先行先试力度,探索更多可复制可推广经验;

    To better leverage Beijing 's role in spearheading the opening-up of China 's services sector , we will support the municipality in developing a national integrated demonstration zone for greater openness in the services sector . It will enable Beijing to take bigger , bolder steps as a trailblazer and gain more experience that would be replicable and scalable .

  30. 随着我国加入WTO,国内资本市场必将加大对外开放力度,逐步与国际资本市场接轨。

    With China entering WTO , domestic capital market will be exoteric and joint with international capital market .