
  • 网络Frontline Commander;Front commander
  1. 十八个月中,蒋介石的前线高级指挥官,大部分因为战败被撤换。

    In the past eighteen months , most of Chiang Kai-shek 's high-ranking field commanders have been replaced for losing battles .

  2. 比利亚全国过渡委员会的军队已经对苏尔特市发起进攻,用前线一位指挥官的说法就是“最后的进攻”,苏尔特是卡扎菲的最后根据地。

    Forces of the national transitional council in Libya have begun what a frontline commander says they finally assault towards the city of Sirte , one of Colonel Gaddafi 's last strongholds .