
zōnɡ jiào jiào yì
  • religious doctrine
  1. 论墨子的天鬼观非宗教教义

    Mohist God and Ghost Viewpoint is not Religious Doctrine

  2. 社会工作作为一门专业源于西方,其助人精神多来源于宗教教义,不可避免受相关价值观念的影响。

    As a profession , social work originates from the west and spirit of help-others originates from religious doctrine .

  3. 女人对男人的顺从是宗教教义的残迹。

    Obedience by women towards men is a remnant of religious teaching .

  4. 宗教教义中经常包含严格的性禁忌,这会给儿童留下“性是罪恶”的印象。

    Religious dogmas often include strong sexual taboos and can create in children the impression that sex is sinful .

  5. 他宣扬的宗教教义要旨是爱天下人。

    The essence of his religious teaching is love for all men .

  6. 他灌输宗教教义的形式,故事。

    He inculcates religious doctrines in the form of stories .

  7. 宗教教义的哲理明确、深刻;

    The philosophy of religious teachings is clear and profound .

  8. 他们的收养合同都是关于宗教教义和'严爱'规则。

    Their adoption contracts are all about religious indoctrination and tough-love discipline .

  9. 这些格言大多是引用名言,宗教教义或是短诗。

    The message is often a famous quotation , religious principle or short poem .

  10. 我们的宗教教义以及我们的精神体验的要求我们以善胜恶。

    Our religious teachings and our spiritual experience demand that we overcome evil with good .

  11. 他表示,最高法院裁决,政府在宗教教义方面必须保持中立。

    He says the Supreme Court has ruled that governments must be about religious teachings .

  12. 在18世纪的宗教教义中魔鬼崇拜等同于罪恶。

    According to the religious doctrines of Christianity in the eighteenth century , devil worship equals evil .

  13. 他还天真地坚持,科学推理将会超越政治理念和宗教教义。

    He was also naive in insisting that scientific reasoning would trump political thought and religious teaching .

  14. 传给我们的宗教教义并不都是和当今时代有关的。

    The religious doctrines which have come down to us are not always relevant to the present day .

  15. 实际上,宗教教义本质的问题在启蒙运动之后一直不断困扰着基督教神学界。

    Actually , since the Enlightenment the nature of the doctrine as a question has allays been bothering the Christian Theology .

  16. 佛寺僧人在传播宗教教义时,也从文学、艺术等方面影响和教育了平民大众。

    As Buddhist monks disseminated religious views , they influenced and educated common people in literature , art and so on .

  17. 现在宗教教义中的上帝观念是古老的神的概念的一种升华。

    The idea of God in the religions taught at present is a sublimation of that old concept of the gods .

  18. 我们得出的结论是,上帝本身的存在和科学的确并不矛盾,这个结论显然有别于具体的宗教教义。

    We have concluded that the existence of God itself , as distinguished from particular religious teachings , certainly does not contradict science .

  19. 伊斯兰激进青年党奉行奉行十分保守的伊斯兰宗教教义。目前他们正对西方支持的摩加迪沙过渡联盟政府发动剧烈的反叛活动。

    Al-Shabab , which espouses an arch-conservative form of Islam , is waging an intense insurgency against the Western-backed Mogadishu Transitional Federal Government .

  20. 约翰·卡尔文的宗教教义,强调上帝是万能的,以及仁慈上帝对人的救赎作用。

    The religious doctrines of John Calvin , emphasizing the omnipotence of God and the salvation of the elect by God 's grace alone .

  21. 她努力寻求爱情及婚姻的独立,但她不当的婚姻选择迫使她屈从于父权制和宗教教义。

    She tried to pursue independence in love and marriage but her inappropriate choice of marriage forced her to surrender to patriarchy and religion .

  22. 但如果神学只是一些宗教教义的外在的列举与汇集,则这种神学尚不得称为科学。

    But until Theology is something more than a bare enumeration and compilation of these doctrines ab extra , it has no right to the title of science .

  23. 而且它们的成就,尽管是如何地叫人惊奇而有用,但对于形而上学与宗教教义所要处理的一些哲学问题,甚至连肤浅的接触都没有。

    And all their achievements , however marvelous and beneficial they are , do not even superficially touch the essential problems of philosophy with which metaphysical and religious doctrines try to cope .

  24. 因为正统的宗教教义,会有许多的内疚与他们在一起了,这些不仅是一种像挂在脖子上阻碍了你的进步的负担。

    Because of orthodox religious teaching many carry great guilt around with them , and it is not just a burden but like a weight hanging around your neck which inhibits your progress .

  25. 宗教教义中蕴涵许多有关和谐的思想资源,我们应积极挖掘这些资源,采取多种方式和途径,动员信教群众努力为建设社会主义和谐社会做出贡献。

    We should actively develop the related resource of harmonious thoughts contained in the religious doctrine , and take various measures to mobilize the masses of being religious to do one 's bit for the construction of harmonious society of socialism .

  26. 美丽而无私的路得如同黑暗岁月中一颗光芒四射的星辰,如果人们都怀有像路得一样的爱心,那么这种爱一定可以超越宗教教义和根深蒂固的种族偏见,继而成为普世之爱,但是你很难在世界上找到这样的爱。

    Her beautiful , unselfish spirit shines out like a bright star in the night of a dark and cruel age . Love like Ruth 's , love which can rise above conflicting creeds and deep-seated racial prejudices , is hard to find in all the world .

  27. 他拒绝接受任何宗教的教义。

    He refused to accept the dogmas of any religion .

  28. 基督宗教的教义始终主张,爱人如己是一种指向所有邻人的普世之爱。

    One of the Christian doctrine claims that love should be universal for all neighbors .

  29. 你可能没有履行一种宗教的教义,但仍完全是那个宗教的教徒。

    You can be bad at a religion and still be 100 percent that religion .

  30. 他是如此沉迷于宗教的教义之中,人们几乎可以发现神在他的每部作品中无处不在。

    He 's so much indulged in the religious doctrine that people can find the reflection of the God almost everywhere in his works .