
  • 网络religious morality
  1. 宗教道德神圣性的价值分析

    The Value Analysis for the Sacredness of the Religious Morality

  2. 世俗伦理与宗教道德是两个各具独立特色的道德规范体系。

    Secular ethics and religious morality are two moral norm systems with different characteristics .

  3. 宗教道德的神圣性特点,可以从宗教道德神圣性的来源、宗教道德的发生机制和宗教道德践行的保证来进行分析。

    God is the source of the sacredness of religious morality .

  4. 论中国古代宗教道德在当代的现实价值

    On the Modern Values of the Religious Ethics of Ancient China

  5. 康德的宗教道德与中国圣贤道德的比较与反思

    Introspection and Comparison of Kant 's Religious Ethics with Chinese Sage Morals

  6. 乔治·艾略特人本宗教道德的艺术表现

    The Artistic Manifestation of George Eliots ' Human-oriented Religion

  7. 宗教道德与社会主义精神文明建设

    Religious Ethics and the Spiritual Civilization Building of Socialism

  8. 宗教道德产生于宗教信仰,决定于宗教信仰,又服从于宗教信仰,在本质上从属于唯心主义的思想道德体系。

    And in essence , it subordinated to the idealist ideological and ethical system .

  9. 基于以上道德内容,她提出了人类宗教道德观。

    Because of the above ethical content , she proposed the humanistic religious morals .

  10. 《荒凉山庄》圣经隐喻与宗教道德化分析

    An Analysis of the Biblical Allusions and the Moralization of Religion in Bleak House

  11. 在人类社会中,宗教道德一直伴随着宗教扮演着积极与消极作用的双重角色。

    And it has been playing a dual role of positive and negative in the meantime .

  12. 而苔丝自身的资产阶级道德与宗教道德意识也在一定程度上造成了自己的悲剧。

    Still her tragedy comes from her own bourgeois ethics and religion to a certain extent .

  13. 宗教道德与现代社会

    Religious Morality and Modern Society

  14. 然而,让苔丝更加心力交瘁的却是杀人不见血的宗教道德观。

    However , what makes her more painful is the hypocritical religion and the prevalent religious morality .

  15. 道教伦理作为一种宗教道德,在现代社会中仍然以其特有的方式影响着中国人。

    Taoism , as a religious and moral ethics , still in its unique way affect the Chinese people in a modern society .

  16. 他从基督教人道主义立场出发,以宗教道德为参照,让宗教素材服务于人性的主题。

    The novel embarks from the Christian humanism , taking religious ethics as the reference , making religious material serve for humanity theme .

  17. 宗教道德通过神的力量发挥其社会作用,社会主义道德则通过社会舆论和人的良心发挥其社会作用。

    Religious morality functions by the means of divine power , while socialist morality functions by the means of public opinion and conscience .

  18. 宗教道德的社会调适是对宗教道德适应于现代社会文明发展的需要和要求而进行的整体把握和具体规整。

    Social adjustment of religious morality is required for the systematic adaptation of religious morality to the changes and development of modern civilization .

  19. 雇佣本地员工,还可以使企业快速减少与所在国社会文化、政治法律、宗教道德冲突。

    The conflict of local society , culture , politics , law , religion and morality can be rapidly reduced by hiring local employees .

  20. 本文以宗教道德为视角,说明在特定条件下,宗教的道德观念也有不可忽视的社会作用。

    From the perspective of religious ethics this paper emphasizes that religious ethics also has under certain conditions some social functions not to be neglected .

  21. 在提倡公民道德建设今天,信教群众不但受到世俗道德的影响,还受到了宗教道德的影响。

    Today as the building of civic virtue is promoting , the masses of believers not only is influenced by secular moral but also by the religious and moral impact .

  22. 教学内容以宗教道德教育为主,《圣经》是最主要的教科书,有时也开设一些世俗教育的课程。

    Religious education was given the priority in teaching . Sometimes , it also offered some secular courses such as reading , writing and arithmetic . In addition , Holy Bible acted as the primary textbook .

  23. 宗教道德是调整人与神之间关系的行为规范,社会主义道德则是调整社会主义社会中的人与人之间关系的行为规范,属于世俗道德;

    Religious morality is a set of norms that regulates the relation between god and man , while socialist morality is a set of norms that regulates the relation between man and man in the socialist society .

  24. 原有的宗教道德价值体系日益失去了主导地位,而新的道德体系尚未建立,社会一度出现了道德的真空,社会道德严重失范。

    The original religious morals and value system had lost the dominant position day by day , but the new moral system hadn 't yet been established completely , so the society once appeared the moral vacuum , and the social morals seriously deviate from the norm .

  25. 有人认为,人们可以制定适当的伦理来满足自己的需要;宗教道德理论的支持者们必须能够面对这一观点。

    The proponents of a religious moral theory must be able to deal with the claims of those who maintain that adequate theory must be able to deal with the claims of those who maintain that adequate ethics can be formulated by human beings for human needs .

  26. 近代以来的西方国家把经济人塑造为人的理想发展模式,贬低传统的基督教所提倡的宗教道德人格,导致了人的普遍异化,背离了人性发展的应有之义;

    Nevertheless modern western nations figured the ideal development mode of the human for " economic man " and belittled the religious morals personality by traditional Christianity 's advocating , which caused the widespread alienation of human and deviated from the essence of the development of human nature .

  27. 家族企业的经营模式除受所在地经济发展水平、金融市场发展水平、市场监管能力等的影响外,还受到历史文化、宗教道德的深远影响。

    The operation model of family businesses is associated tightly not only with the development level of economy ( including finance market ) and the ability of market supervision , but also with the profound infection by social factors such as history , culture , religion and morality .

  28. 表现方面,文学梦的功能主要有:打开心扉,揭示人物心灵深处的另一面情意,由此及彼,意义指向梦外或是现实;作者的宗教道德思想贯穿全文。

    About its performance function , the functions of the literary dream mainly have : Open heart ; reveal the real emotion in the depths of the soul of people . According to these , literary dream means to point to the outside of the dream or the reality .

  29. 弗洛伊德对原始宗教和道德的研究佐证了E·拉兹洛的观点。

    Freud ′ s research in primitive religions and morals has lent support to E. Lazlo ′ s view .

  30. 与此类似,美国全国教育统计中心(NationalCenterforEducationStatistics)2007年的一项调查显示,在家教育孩子的美国父母当中,有36%是因为想要为孩子提供宗教和道德方面的指导。

    Similarly , a 2007 survey by the U.S. - based National Center for Education Statistics showed that 36 % of American parents homeschooling their children chose to do so out of a desire to provide religious and moral instruction .