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zōng pài
  • sect;denomination;faction;clan
宗派 [zōng pài]
  • (1) [faction;sect]∶文艺、学术、宗教、政治等方面的派别

  • (2) [sect]∶宗教的支派

宗派[zōng pài]
  1. 665.紧密小宗派由于摩擦破裂了。

    665 . The compact faction fractured because of friction .

  2. 班,排,装备和宗派的协作对比赛批评。华理克对来自保守派的批评不屑一顾。

    Coordination of squad , platoon , outfit and faction is critical to the game .

  3. 他是宗派暴力中的第5个罹难者。

    He was the fifth person to be killed in sectarian violence

  4. 运动中有大量的宗派之争。

    There has been a substantial amount of factionalism within the movement .

  5. 她是「真爱革命」(TrueLoveRevolution)学生社团的创立者之一。这个组织在哈佛是一个跨宗派并致力于推动婚前守贞的社团。

    She is one of the founders of True Love Revolution , a nonsectarian Harvard group dedicated to the promotion of sexual abstinence before marriage .

  6. Amish人很少和他们宗派以外的人通婚。

    Rarely do the Amish marry outside their sect .

  7. 在6月份的宗派暴力冲突之后,又有15人在类似冲突中死亡,黎巴嫩总理NajibMikati正在与当地的宗教领袖们以及的黎波里的议员们想办法停止暴力冲突。

    Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati is working with local religious leaders and lawmakers in Tripoli to stop the fighting after 15 people died in similar sectarian violence in June .

  8. 叙利亚政府失去了其职位最高的逊尼派成员、总理希贾布(RiadHijab)。希贾布的发言人称其已转投反对派阵营。目前反抗总统阿萨德(Basharal-Assad)的运动点燃了中东地区的宗派主义情绪。

    Syria 's government lost its highest-ranking Sunni member , Prime Minister Riad Hijab , in what his spokesman called a defection to the opposition as the rebellion against President Bashar al-Assad inflames sectarian emotion in the Middle East .

  9. 他们企图把他们宗派主义的宣传强加给马克思主义者。

    They tried to force their factional preachings on the Marxists .

  10. 天台宗与禅宗是中国佛教的两个重要宗派。

    Tiantai and Chan are two important factions of Chinese buddhist .

  11. 这些耸人听闻的谋杀体现了那种最为邪恶的宗派主义。

    These appalling murders represent sectarianism of the most evil kind .

  12. 两者必须完全团结一致,必须反对宗派主义的倾向。

    They must be completely united and must oppose sectarian tendencies .

  13. 宗派蜕变是一场悲剧,然而却可以预见。

    Denominational disintegration is a tragic , but predictable , sight .

  14. 战斗涉及阿尔维特和巴布艾尔特巴内宗派。

    The running battles involve the Alawate and Bab al-Tebbaneh clans .

  15. 宗派主义正在使党和国家四分五裂。

    Factionalism was tearing the party and the country apart .

  16. 非中国化与非宗派化:日本批判佛教论及其效应

    De-sinicization and De-sectarization : Japanese Critical Buddhism and its Impact

  17. 他属于一个克制享乐的宗派。

    He belongs to a small sect which abnegates pleasure .

  18. 他会被宗派主义之间充满仇恨的分歧所折磨

    He 'd be torn apart by the bitter divisiveness of sectarianism .

  19. 最大的宗派为浸信会,其次是信义会。

    The Baptists form the largest denomination , followed by the lutherans .

  20. 通常战俘会被用于宗派之间的战争。

    Generally captives appear to have been taken during war between polities .

  21. 这个团体常被人抨击为闹宗派主义和头脑发热。

    This group is frequently attacked as sectarian and fanatical .

  22. 属于宗派、与宗派有关、或具有宗派色彩。

    Of or relating to or characteristic of a sect or sects .

  23. 恐怖主义和宗派战争曾使伊拉克陷入分崩离析的危险。

    Terrorism and sectarian warfare threatened to tear Iraq apart .

  24. 宗派主义是主观主义在组织关系上的一种表现;

    Sectarianism is an expression of subjectivism in organizational relations ;

  25. 冲突双方闹宗派的人都拒绝妥协。

    Sectarians on both sides of the conflict are refusing to compromise .

  26. 一些阿门宗派的人把他们的生活方式商业化了。

    Some Amish people have commercialized their way of life .

  27. 在神的选民里宗派是不可能发生的!

    Denomination is not possible among God 's elect !

  28. 我们要反对那些搞帮派、搞宗派主义的行为,要反对任人唯亲。

    We must oppose factionalism , sectarianism and favouritism .

  29. 你和所有宗派主义者同样狭隘。

    You are as bad as the other sectarians .

  30. 宗教上的不同见解就产生许多宗派。

    Religious differences have given birth to many sects .