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shì wēi
  • decline
式微 [shì wēi]
  • [decline] 指事物由兴盛而衰落

  • 式微式微,胡不归?(式微:天将暮。)--《诗.邶风.式微》

  1. 大冲程低PV值的分立式微变形镜结构设计研究

    Segmented Micro Deformable Mirror with Large Stroke and Low PV Flatness

  2. H村多元化的权威结构,并未带来村庄的善治,而是出现村庄公共权威的式微和私营化趋势。

    The diverse authority structure in Village H does not bring good governance , but the decline and privatization of public authority .

  3. 电容式微机械陀螺自激驱动ASIC电路设计

    Design of Self-Excited Driving ASIC Circuit for Capacitance Micro-Machined Gyroscope

  4. 集成光纤的PDMS夹心式微流控芯片及便携式LED诱导荧光检测系统

    PDMS Sandwich Microfluidic Chip Integrated with Optical Fiber and Its Portable Analyzer with LED Induced Fluorescence Detection

  5. 可植入式微器件是目前MEMS技术应用于医学领域的一个前沿课题。

    The implantable device is a cutting-edge topic which is a MEMS technology application used in the medical field .

  6. 近年来,对基于MEMS工艺的悬浮式微惯性传感器的研究引起了广泛的重视。

    Moreover , electrostatically levitated micro-inertial sensors fabricated by MEMS technology have also found many potential applications in recent years .

  7. 针对超大功率LED的应用产品首次提出了两种主动式散热器:蜂窝微通道散热器和封闭式微喷散热器。

    For extremely high power LED light sources , two kinds of active cooling solutions , honeycomb micro channel and closed micro jet heat sinks were firstly proposed .

  8. 微电子机械系统(MEMS)在光通信中的应用及其研究动态基于微电子机械系统技术的高灵敏度电容式微传声器的研制

    The Applications and Developments of MEMS in Optical Communications Study of a highly sensitive miniature condenser microphone based on MEMS technology

  9. 结果留给我们一大堆神奇的电子用品(比如iPad),但以自己动手为特征的DIY活动却就此式微。

    The result was a great many magical gizmos ( iPad , anyone ? )

  10. 设计开发了一种新型MEMS摆动式微电磁驱动器,介绍了新型微驱动器的设计、制造工艺和性能。

    A fabricating technology for high energy density micro electromagnetic actuator based on Micro Electron Mechanics System ( MEMS ) is introduced .

  11. 用HPLC法对触破式微胶囊农药的残留量及降解规律进行测定。

    This paper deals with the pesticide residues and degradation determination of contacted breaking micro capsules by means of high pressure liquid chromatograph ( HPLC ) .

  12. Sigma-delta电容式微加速度传感器系统研究

    Research on Sigma-Delta Micro-machined Capacitive Accelerometer System

  13. 介绍了一种用于测试X波段加速管中高阶模电场分布的笼子式微扰体的研制与标定。

    A metallic cage made by sputtering silver film onto a thin nylon thread through a specially designed fixture is used as perturbing object to measure the higher modes in a Xband accelerating structure .

  14. 本文对单片集成化的微气压传感器进行了基础研究,用分立的集成芯片组建了一个SOC(systemOnaChip)式微气压测试仪。

    The fundamental research on micro gas pressure sensor based on SOC ( System on a Chip ) technology is implemented in this paper . A micro gas pressure testing instrument based on isolated IC chips is developed .

  15. Φ2mm微马达驱动旋转式微泵

    Rotary Micropump Driven by Φ 2mm Micromotor

  16. 公司管理层在推出新的手机平台、黑莓10(BlackBerry10)的同时宣布了这项决定,希望藉此重振式微的品牌。

    Executives made the announcement in tandem with its new mobile platform , blackberry 10 , hoping that they could revitalize the declining brand .

  17. 文中采用BP神经网络PID控制与单神经元PSD自适应控制两种方法对压电式微位移系统进行非线性控制,并取得了良好的效果。

    Both BP neural network PID control and single neuron PSD adaptive algorithm are applied to realize the non-linear control of piezoelectric micro displacement system . The result shows that these two algorithms are efficient .

  18. 2009年,《财富》杂志(Fortune)撰文称,由于电动汽车、混合动力汽车及柴油车等技术性的进展,“传统的汽油内燃机似乎可以肯定地说正在日渐式微。”

    In 2009 fortune wrote that , thanks to advances such as electric cars , hybrids and diesel vehicles , " it seems certain that the traditional gasoline internal-combustion engine is on the wane . "

  19. 电容式微加速度计是当前MEMS领域的研究热点,对微加速度计表头电容的变化进行检测是其读出电路中首先要解决的问题。

    Capacitive micro-accelerometer is a hot topic in the field of MEMS . An important problem to be solved in the readout circuits is the detection of the capacitance changes in the acceleration sensor .

  20. 采用先进的LPE及反应离子刻蚀等微细加工技术制作了盘型-图钉式微腔结构,测得其有源区的光荧光谱的半宽度为0.032eV,波长为815.33nm。

    The measured half width of photoluminescence spectrum in the active area is 0.032 eV with the wavelength of 815.33 nm .

  21. 仿真介绍了ANSYS仿真软件,对热电器件进行了稳态的热分析,对热电式微电源整体的传热进行了瞬态的热分析。通过仿真来实现对热电式微电源的整体设计的优化。

    Emulation introduces ANSYS software , analyzes stable heat conduction of thermoelectric device and transient heat conduction of thermoelectric micro-generator by finite element method ( FEM ), and provides calculation and optimization for further design and analysis .

  22. 利用SiO2相对于sinx有更低的热导率,作为膜式微气体传感器的热绝缘和电绝缘层,而单晶Si适合通过各向异性腐蚀形成倒杯状结构来支撑SiO2膜。

    The membrane of SiO_2 , which has lower thermal conductivity compared with SiN_x , is fabricated as heat and electric insulator , and single crystal Si is apt to form reverse-cup structure through anisotropy etching .

  23. 本文首先分析了振动式微机械陀螺的工作原理,在哈工大MEMS中心原有微陀螺ASIC电路的基础上,将单端检测改进为差分检测,并设计了自激驱动电路中的重要模块跨阻放大器。

    The fundamental principle of vibration micromechanical gyroscope is analysed first . Grounded on the initial ASIC of micro gyroscope of MEMS center , single ended sense circuit is improved to differential sense circuit .

  24. 通过实例分析,分别考察了扭转式微执行器的各项参数的变化对于pull-in电压和pull-in点的影响。

    The impact of the change of the micro-actuator parameters on the pull-in voltage and pull-in point is investigated through analyzing the cases .

  25. 测定触破式微胶囊剂400倍液的药效期,施药10d后,死亡率为92.57%,随着时间的不断延长,死亡率逐渐降低,但在30d后,仍可达到77.67%。

    The mortality is 92.57 % . The mortality decreased little by little as time extended , but it is 77.67 % after 30d .

  26. 利用开关电容电路实现C-V变换,利用反馈静电力实现力平衡闭环控制,设计了一种电容式微机械加速度计。

    Using the switching capacity circuit to realize the C-V convert and using the feedback of the electrostatic force to realize force-balance closed-loop control , the micro-mechanical capacitive accelerometer is designed .

  27. 采用原位聚合法,制备了以2-甲基丙烯酰氧乙基三甲基氯化铵(META)为功能单体的强碱性季铵盐离子交换型微整体柱,构建了带微整体柱的复合式微流控芯片;

    Alkali quaternary ammonium anion exchange micro-monolithic column based on monomer of ( 2 - ( methacryloyloxy ) ethyl ) trimethylammonium chloride ( META ) was polymerized in-situ . The micro-monolithic column was combined with micro-fluidic chip .

  28. 为了测量毫克级的微小力,设计并制造了一种硅基PZT薄膜悬臂式微力传感芯片。

    In order to measure the micro-forces which are in the degree of milligrams , a novel micro-force sensor based on the Si-based lead zirconate titanate ( PZT ) piezoelectric micro-cantilever was designed and fabricated by MEMS technique .

  29. 目的探讨三维电解可脱式微弹簧圈(3D-GDC)栓塞颅内动脉瘤的临床应用价值。

    Objective To evaluate the curative effect of three-dimensional Guglielmi detachable coils ( 3D-GDC ) on intracranial aneurysms .

  30. pabst每年仍酿造少量的gansett啤酒,但该品牌正日趋式微。

    Pabst still brewed a small amount of gansett each year , but the brand was languishing .