首页 / 词典 / good

  • secret;density
  • close;dense;thick;intimate
  • secretly
  • 稠,空隙小,与“稀”、“疏”相对:紧~。稠~。茂~。严~。~封。~布。~集。~匝匝。~锣紧鼓(喻正式活动前的积极而紧张的准备,亦作“紧锣密鼓”)。

  • 关系近,感情好:~友。~亲。

  • 不公开,不公开的事物:秘~。保~。~谋。~电。~报。~使。~信。~诏。~旨。~探。

  • 精致,细致:精~。细~。致~。~实(细密结实)。

  • 姓。


(秘密) secret:

  • 泄密

    let out a secret;

  • 保密

    keep a secret


{纺} (密度) density:

  • 经密

    warp density;

  • 纬密

    weft density


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 密亮

    Mi Liang


(距离近; 空隙小) close; dense; thick:

  • 稠密


  • 紧密

    close; inseparable;

  • 严密

    tight; close;

  • 密林

    thick [dense] forest;

  • 这两行树栽得太密了。

    These two rows of trees are planted too close together.


(关系近; 感情好) intimate; close:

  • 很亲密

    very intimate


(精致; 细致) delicate; fine; careful; meticulous:

  • 细密

    detailed; meticulous;

  • 精密

    precise; accurate


(秘密地) secretly:

  • 密议

    discuss behind closed doors;

  • 密访

    secretly visit

  1. 怎么失的密?

    How did the secret leak out ?

  2. 在此基础上,将密图嵌入到承载图像的DCT域系数中。

    Then the secret image is embedded into the DCT coefficients .

  3. 这种动物的毛又短又密、丝般柔滑。

    This creature 's fur is short , dense and silky .

  4. 规则要求样本必须装在两个水密容器中。

    The rules state that samples must be enclosed in two watertight containers

  5. 卡斯尔步行街那一地段的植被不是很厚密。

    That part of Castle Walk is not thickly vegetated .

  6. 它的毛又短又密,柔软光洁。

    Its fur is short , dense and silky

  7. 房间里密不透风,憋得她喘不上气来。

    The airlessness of the room suffocated her .

  8. 她出生在印度的安巴拉,她们家族与印度军队关系甚密。

    She was born at Ambala , India , her family being closely connected with the Indian army .

  9. 她长着一头又长又密的黑发。

    She has a rich mane of black hair .

  10. 这两行树栽得太密了。

    These two rows of trees are planted too close together .

  11. 战斗激烈进行时,枪弹密如雨点。

    While the battle raged , the bullets flew thick as hail .

  12. 他砌的砖又平正又密合。

    The bricks he lays are fitted evenly and closely together .

  13. 阿当斯密被视为传统经济学派的创始人之一。

    Adam Smith is considered one of the founders of classical economics .

  14. 她缝纫时,针脚总是很密。

    When she sewed she always uses close stitches .

  15. 别与他交往过密,他这人不诚实。

    Don 't be too familiar with him , he 's a dishonest man .

  16. 火灾预报员马克芬尼住在密苏拉附近的一个易燃地区。

    Mark finney , the fire forecaster , lives in a fire-prone area outside missoula .

  17. 他们俩是老同学,过往很密。

    The two have been friends since school days and see each other a lot .

  18. 云愈积愈密。

    The clouds are piling up .

  19. 他们的会面过于频密。

    They meet too often .

  20. 在他最后的八年生涯中,几乎有二十四起暗杀事件与他关系甚密。

    He 's belied to have been responsible for nearly two-dozen assassinations in the last eight years .

  21. 在这树密枝长叶茂花繁的时节,要在这个花果园里寻找谁,简直就象玩“捉迷藏”一样了。

    In that leafy , flowery , bushy time , to look for any one in this garden was like playing at " hide-and-seek " .

  22. 等能量、等变形夯扩挤密矸石桩是一种地基加固新技术

    Practical construction shows that equal energy , equal deformation tamping a.

  23. 协议认证试图等录上网用户的身份,并通过使用密匙密码为用户间的通信加密

    Kerberos authenticates the identity and encrypts their communications through secret-key cryptography . KERBEROS

  24. 他们过往很密。

    There was close intercourse between them .

  25. 他抬手甩了出去,然后赶忙把头紧紧的抱了个密不透风。

    He lofts it into the air , and hugs his head in the deep secret embrace .

  26. 我需要“密炼机、开炼机等电气控制系统”更详细信息:姓名

    Mainly applied in electric control system of masticator , banbury mixer , and other roll mill etc.

  27. 但是帏幕太沉重,太厚密了,它抹去了一切纹理,只除了它自己的

    A curtain is too heavy , too thick , and it obliterates every texture save its own .

  28. 正如我在一篇小说中所说的:“在人口密聚的城市里,有这样一个宁静的去处,像是上帝的苦心安排。”

    As I said in one story , " In a densely arranged for a place as serene as this . "

  29. 事实上,爱德华·贝拉密早在1887年便在他的乌托邦小说《回顾》中描述了持卡消费的理念。

    In fact , the concept4 of using a card for purchases was described in 1887 by Edward Bellamy in his utopian (

  30. 访问CA的公共密匙并测试客户端证书

    Access the CA public key and test the client certificate