
  • 网络Hexagonal close-packed;hcp;close-packed hexagonal;close-packed hexagonal lattice;c.p.h
  1. 研究表明,镁合金具有密排六方晶格,常温下滑移系少,塑性变形能力差,不能采用与铝合金类似的拉拔方法制备焊丝。

    The results showed that magnesium alloy welding wire can 't be fabricated by drawing method as aluminum alloy wire for its poor plasticity , which results in magnesium alloy 's close-packed hexagonal lattice and few slip system .

  2. 在弹性弯曲过程中,一种变形机制是发生从面心立方到密排六方的晶格结构转变。

    In the elastic bending process , crystal lattice can transform from fcc to hcp .