
  • 网络Corrosion resistant alloy;cra;CRAS
  1. 热镀Al3Ni耐蚀合金镀层液态冷凝过程的分子动力学模拟研究

    Molecular dynamics simulations of corrosion resistant alloy Al_3Ni in its solidification

  2. 采用全浸泡腐蚀试验方法,考察Cu量对镍基耐蚀合金的耐蚀性能的影响。

    Adopt full immersion corrosion test method , inspection Cu volume on Ni-based corrosion resistant alloy corrosion resistant performance impact .

  3. 耐蚀合金Au3Cu高温冷却过程中能量及结构转变的分子动力学模拟

    Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Variation of Structure and Energy in the Solidification of Liquid Au

  4. Ni-Cr-Mo基耐蚀合金的腐蚀

    The Corrosion Behaviors of Ni - Cr - Mo Base Corrosion Resistant Alloys

  5. SHS-离心法制备的Fe-Cr-Ni耐蚀合金的显微组织及力学性能

    Microstructure and mechanical properties of Fe Cr Ni corrosion resistant alloy produced by SHS CENTRIFUGAL PROCESS

  6. 镍基耐蚀合金C-276平衡析出相的热力学计算

    Thermodynamic Calculation on Equilibrium Precipitated Phases in Nickel Base Corrosion-Resistant Alloy C-276

  7. 耐蚀合金G3、G3-Z和825热加工性的研究

    A Study on Hot Workability of Corrosion Resistance Alloy G3 , G3-Z and 825

  8. 高压换热器管板的Ni-Cr-Fe系耐蚀合金手工电弧堆焊

    Manual arc surfacing of Ni-Cr-Fe alloy for heat exchanger tube-plate

  9. 结果表明:NZS系列合金属于耐蚀合金。

    The results show that NZS system alloys are a kind of corrosion resistant alloys .

  10. 在H2S环境中,耐蚀合金腐蚀产物的稳定性与铬的氧化物和硫化物(如FeS,Ni3S2和MoS2)的生成有关。

    The stability of corrosion products of CRAs in H 2S environments relates to the formation behavior of Cr oxide and sulfides such as FeS , Ni 3S 2 and MoS 2 .

  11. Ni56Cr(22Mo13合合金作为重要的耐蚀合金材料,在工程应用时,不可避免地要遇到焊接问题,目前常用的焊接方法为钨极氩弧焊(TIG)。

    As an important material , Ni56Cr ( 22Mo13 meet a welding problem inevitably , it used to be weld by tungsten pole argon arc welding ( TIG ) .

  12. Monel合金是一种重要的镍铜耐蚀合金,该合金兼有十分优良的力学及耐蚀性能。在国防及国民生产的各个领域(包括石化、核能、军用等领域)中具有十分重要的应用。

    Monel is a type of nickel copper base alloy of vital importance , which has been widely used in national defense applications and national product applications due to its excellent mechanical properties and corrosion resistance .

  13. 依据百分因子(APF)法,参考现今先进耐蚀合金,预设计了6种APF介于2.5~3.3的通用性镍基耐蚀合金成分.应用真空感应炉和手工电弧炉熔炼合金获得了良好的效果。

    Based on the APF method and advanced corrosion resistant alloys available now , six schemes ( APF from 2.5 to 3.3 ) were designed for versatile Ni-base corrosion resistant alloys , which were prepared by using vacuum induction melting and manual electro-arc furnace , with a good result .

  14. 阴极改进法在耐蚀合金研究中的应用

    Application of Cathode Improvement Technique in the Research of Corrosion-resistant Alloy

  15. 镍基耐蚀合金焊接接头的无损检测工艺

    Nondestructive testing technology for the welded joint in erosion-resistance nickel-base alloy

  16. 国外石化设备高温耐蚀合金选材

    Selection of Corrosion-resisting Alloys at High Temperature Used in Petrochemical Plants Abroad

  17. 镍基耐蚀合金特性、进展及其应用

    Properties , progression and application of Ni - base corrosion resistant alloys

  18. 铈在镍-铬-铜系高温耐蚀合金中的作用

    Effect of Cerium on nickel-chromium-copper system high temperature and corrosion resistant alloy

  19. 高镍耐蚀合金在湿法烟气脱硫工程烟气挡板门中的使用

    High-Nickel Anticorrosive Alloy used in Flue Gas Damper of Large-sized Wet FGD Project

  20. 电解耐蚀合金锌粉工艺研究

    A Study of Electrolytic Technology for Corrosion-Resistant Zinc-Alloy Powder

  21. 一种高性能低偏析耐蚀合金的研究

    A Corrosion-Resistant Hastelloy C-4 Alloy with Improved Low Segregation

  22. 暂态线性极化法可以方便迅速地测定耐蚀合金的腐蚀速率值;

    Transient linear polarization technique can determine low corrosion rate conveniently and quickly .

  23. 新2号A合金是一种铁镍基奥氏体耐蚀合金。

    New No.2-A Alloy is a iron-nickel basedaustenitic alloy .

  24. 锰铜镍合金,锰铜油井管用镍基耐蚀合金的研究与发展

    Research and Development of Nickel-based Corrosion Resistant Alloy for Oil Country Tubular Goods

  25. 利用双层辉光等离子技术进行镍基耐蚀合金表面合金化的研究

    Study on Ni-base Alloy Corrosion-resist Surface Metallurgy by the Technology of Double Glow Plasma

  26. 精密仪器用耐蚀合金组织与性能的研究

    Study of one corrosion resisting alloy used for precision equipment about organization and performance

  27. 不锈钢和高镍耐蚀合金是重要的耐蚀材料。

    The stainless steels and high nickel corrosion resistant alloys are critical engineering materials .

  28. 铝热-离心法制备铁镍基耐蚀合金内衬复合钢管的成分与组织

    Iron - nickel Alloy Lined Composite Steel Pipe Produced by Centrifugal - thermit Process

  29. 通用性镍基耐蚀合金的研制

    Development of versatile Ni-base corrosion resistant alloy

  30. 石化设备高温耐蚀合金选材化学镀膜金刚石的高温耐蚀性研究

    Study on the Heat Corrosion of Diamond Coated with Metal Film by Electroless and Electroplating