
shì yàng
  • pattern;style;fashion;type;model
式样 [shì yàng]
  • [fashion] 形状;样子;格式

  • 式样齐全

式样[shì yàng]
  1. 你量一下自己的尺寸,把尺码输进去,电脑就会把式样打印出来。

    You measure yourself , enter measurements and the computer will print out the pattern

  2. 我这件大衣请你照这个式样裁剪。

    Please cut my overcoat according to ( or after ) this pattern .

  3. 颜色和式样是个人爱好问题。

    The colour and style is a matter of personal taste .

  4. 这种轿车因其过时的车身式样而受到批评。

    The car has been criticized for its outdated body styling .

  5. 这些式样可以修改,以适应个人不同爱好。

    These styles can be adapted to suit individual tastes .

  6. 她设计的古朴式样服装不会过时。

    She designs classic clothes which do not date .

  7. 展厅里有多种式样的厨房可供选择。

    The showroom has a wide selection of kitchens .

  8. 这些鞋垫适合任何式样的鞋。

    These inserts fit inside any style of shoe .

  9. 她的服装式样一点儿也不保守。

    Her style of dress was never conservative .

  10. 这些式样有两组配色:红褐色或蓝褐色。

    The designs are available in two colourways : red / grey or blue / grey .

  11. 这款汽车巧妙地将经典式样融入到流线型的现代设计中。

    The car neatly blends classic styling into a smooth modern package .

  12. 欢迎函索免费式样体验自己编织的乐趣。

    Send for our free patterns to knit yourself .

  13. 她男朋友给她买了一枚式样简单的金戒指。

    Her boyfriend bought her a plain gold ring .

  14. 我们有多种现存的式样供你选择。

    We have many patterns in stock for you to choose from .

  15. 玛丽仿照古希腊的式样做头发。

    Mary does her hair after the ancient Greek fashion .

  16. 这种衣服式样已经不兴了。

    This clothes style is out of fashion .

  17. 我看上了这个式样。

    I like this style .

  18. 他仿照一栋旧农舍的式样建造了自己的住宅。

    He built his home on the model of an old farmhouse .

  19. 妇女们习惯穿这种式样的裙子。

    It is the Convention for women to wear this type of skirt .

  20. 衣领向后翻是最新的式样。

    The collar bends back in the latest fashion .

  21. 他买了一架和任何式样的家具都能匹配的设计精美的钢琴。

    He bought a beautifully designed piano that blended with any style of furniture .

  22. 他有一件式样漂亮的外衣。

    He has a coat of good cut .

  23. 这只闹钟式样很各别。

    This alarm clock is quite unusual-looking .

  24. 这种式样已经不时兴了。

    This design ( or style ) is no longer in vogue ( or is out of fashion now ) .

  25. 通过克隆sublevel中的base式样,清单9复制了整个式样。

    By cloning the base style in sublevel , it copies the entire style .

  26. 旋转拨号电话式样iPone充电支架任天堂控制器式样iPhone支架面包式样iPhone支架

    Rotary phone charging dock for the iPhone Nintendo Controller iPhone Dock The Bread Station

  27. 布鲁克林丹宁公司(BrooklynDenimCompany)位于布鲁克林北三街85号,它有织边和非织边两种式样。

    Brooklyn Denim Company , at 85 North Third Street , Brooklyn , carries selvage and non-selvage styles .

  28. 除了在创建XML文件时使用KISS式样之外,还可以构建分层次的一些式样,并将这些式样应用于组件中。

    Breaking from the KISS style of creating the XML file , you can also build a hierarchy of styles and apply them to components .

  29. 有关一般作为SOA式样一部分(特别是EnterpriseServiceBus,或ESB视野)的仲裁组件的概念的具体指导。

    Specific guidance around the notion of mediation components that are commonly described as part of the SOA style ( and specifically a part of the Enterprise Service Bus , or ESB , vision ) .

  30. 带着绕线,风筝立刻被抛成“躺”(机腹向上,机头向外)以完成“LazySusan”式样的平转。

    With the lines rolled up , the kite is immediately thrown into a Turtle ( belly up , nose away ) for a Lazy Susan rotation .