
  • 网络prism spectrograph
  1. 使用小型棱镜摄谱仪半定量分析光谱的简便方法

    A simple way of semi-quantitative spectral analysis with a small prism spectrograph

  2. 最小二乘法的改进算法辨识棱镜摄谱仪定标多项式

    Identification of the criterion Polynomial for Prism Spectrograph by Improved Method of Least Squares

  3. 介绍了借助CCD工业摄象机,使用小型棱镜摄谱仪拍摄光谱及在微型计算机上制作标准铁谱和处理光谱的方法。

    A method for making the standard iron spectra and processing the sample by means of a CCD industry camera and a small prism spectrograph is introduced .

  4. 分析了WPL型棱镜摄谱仪的结构及拍摄的钠原子光谱的特征。

    The structure of prism spectrometer modeled WPL and the spectrum characteristics of sodium atom are analyzed .

  5. 小型棱镜摄谱仪的调整与定标

    Adjustment and calibration of small-scale prism spectrograph

  6. 使用全息透镜作色散和聚焦元件的摄谱仪器提高棱镜摄谱仪色散的方法探索

    Spectrograph with a holographic lens as dispersing / focucing element the methods of making th'e dispersion of a prism spectrograph larger

  7. 本文阐述了用棱镜摄谱仪测波长实验中心以拟合算法处理数据的方法。

    The method of processing data by fitting calculation in the experiment of measuring the wave length with prism spectrograph is dwelt upon .