
  • 网络PRISM CONSTANT;Prism Const
  1. 测求棱镜常数的简易方法

    Facility Method to Measure Prism Constant

  2. 根据测绘工作中的实践经验,说明了测求棱镜常数的简易方法。

    This paper explains facility method to measure prism constant based on practice experience in surveying and mapping work .

  3. 全站仪棱镜常数未改正引起的测量误差分析

    Analyses of the Survey Errors caused by Uncorrected Prism Constants of Total Station

  4. 现用VISUALBASIC软件处理棱镜单色仪测定普朗克常数实验数据的主要思想及设计过程,将计算机技术应用于实验数据处理,可迅速、准确地得到实验结果。

    This paper introduced an idea and its design-process on determining Planck constant by prism monochromatic apparatus with Visual Basic software . The experimental result can be obtained quickly and exactly by applying the computer technique to the data processing .

  5. 用棱镜单色仪测定普朗克常数计算机处理

    Determining Planck 's Constant by Prism Monochromatic Apparatus