
  • 网络slant range;Slope Distance
  1. 建立了旋转椭球体地球模型和椭圆轨道卫星轨道模型,在此基础上详细阐述了星载SAR中瞬时斜距的求解方法。

    This dissertation is established the rotating ellipsoid Earth model and the elliptical satellite orbit and describes detailly the method for solving the instantaneous slant range of spaceborne SAR on this basis .

  2. 其次分析了斜距的误差对成像结果的影响,提出了应用于Chirpscaling算法的新的参数估计方法。

    Thirdly , the effect of the slant range error on the SAR image is analyzed and a new parameter estimation method is proposed for application to chirp-scaling algorithm .

  3. 在星载SAR等效斜距模型的基础上,仔细推导了改进Chirpscaling成像算法;范围65.5-

    And based on equivalent range model and classic Chirp Scaling imaging algorithm , we develop refined Chirp Scaling imaging algorithm for space-borne SAR .

  4. 考虑到大场景下的距离空变问题,对目标斜距随时间的变化关系进行了详细的分析,并结合级数反演法得到了弹载SAR回波信号的二维频域的精确表达式。

    Considering the large scene , the change of the slant range is analyzed in details . Then , the two-dimensional point target spectrum is derived by the method of series reversion .

  5. 论文从模拟数据出发,研究了从斜距SAR图像和干涉高程数据提取建筑物的方法,结合它们的优点,给出了一种基于干涉SAR数据的建筑物提取流程。

    Two different procedures for extracting building from simulated interferometric and slant range SAR data are studied , combining their benefits , a method of building extraction from interferometric SAR data is presented .

  6. 昆仑山口西MS8.1地震INSAR斜距向同震位错分解

    INSAR Slant-Range Co-seismic Dislocation Decomposing of the M_S8.1 Earthquake in the West of Kunlun Mt. Pass

  7. 距离多普勒(RangeDoppler,RD)算法是传统窄带/窄波束SAR的经典成像算法,它借助菲涅耳近似,只保留了斜距R(t)的线性部分和二次项。

    Range-Doppler ( RD ) algorithm is a typical imaging algorithm for traditional narrow-band / narrow-beam SAR . It only keeps the linear part and the quadratic term of the slant range distance by using Fresnel approximation .

  8. 这种方法采用经纬一次架设,配合5m水准尺,用水准仪测量两点高差,再通过计算就可以准确的测量出桩孔的倾斜度和斜距。

    Using theodolite spanning , it can measure the gradient and slant distance of pile hole by measure the elevation difference of two points with water level ruler .

  9. 长程超短基线定位系统要求实现对水下4千米海深的5个目标,如AUV、UUV等进行定位、跟踪和数据传输,最佳定位精度达到千分之五斜距。

    Long Range Ultra Short Baseline orientation system is required to achieve five underwater targets positioning , tracking and data communicating , for example AUV and UUV etc , and its best positioning precision of incline distance is less than 5 ‰ .

  10. 根据钻孔与探井取样资料,设计5排注浆孔进行加固,其中2排沿涵洞内壁两测向涵洞外侧倾斜,斜距分别为2m和4m。加固选用两种注浆参数;

    Based on data from drilling and test pit sampling , 5 rows of grouting holes were designed for consolidating , 2 rows among them along the both sides of culvert inner wall tilting toward outer flank of the culvert , 2m and 4m of slant ranges respectively .

  11. 基于斜距测量的浮标位置计算方法研究

    Research of Buoy Position Calculation Method Based on Slanting Distance Measurement

  12. 根据三斜距确定点的三维坐标及精度

    Determining the 3-D coordinates of the unknown point by three observed distances

  13. 如何正确使用探空高度代替斜距的方法

    The Correct Use of the Meteorological Sounding height Replacing the Slant Range

  14. 斜距垂直角在竖直面上的归心改正

    Reduction to Mark Center of Slope Distance and Vertical Angle on Vertical Plane

  15. 钻孔桩斜距简便测量方法

    Simple Measurement Method Of Bored Pile Slant Distance

  16. 据此定量分析该斜距误差对成像和干涉处理的影响。

    The effect of range error on imaging and interferometric processing is discussed quantificationally .

  17. 高频返回散射电离图中最高观测频率、斜距的日变化规律;

    Maximum observed frequency in HF backscatter ionogram and day variblelaw of slope distance .

  18. 对于中间的剂量,可以用内插法把相应的斜距估计出来。

    For intermediate doses , the corresponding slant distances can be estimated by interpolation .

  19. 组合式测距仪测量斜距的误差及其改正

    Error in the Survey of Oblique Distance with a Built-up Distance Meter and Its Correction

  20. 斜距和垂直角分开观测时的距离和高差解算

    The Calculating of Distance and Altitude Difference whe Inclined Distance and Vertical Angle are Observed Separately

  21. 其中,在斜距测量中采用增量式编码器倍频电路,提高了测量精度。

    In order to enhance the precision of the distance , quadruple frequency circuit of incremental encoder is used .

  22. 在目标跟踪领域,通过三坐标雷达的测量值(斜距、仰角及方位角)来估算目标的真实高度一直是个难点。

    In target tracking domain estimating the true altitude of a target from 3-D radar is always been a challenge .

  23. 塔康是近程无线电导航系统,主要为空中飞行目标提供方位和斜距导航信息。

    TACAN is a short-range radio navigation system , designed to provide the bearing and distance information for the flying objects .

  24. 不同海拔高度时雷达视距分析三角高程测量中天顶和斜距的计算


  25. 墙壁介电常数对斜距历程、多普勒调频率特征和分辨率特征的影响相对较大。

    The influences of permittivity of wall on slant range , Doppler FM rate and resolution are shown to be relatively significant .

  26. 三角高程测量中天顶和斜距的计算斜距垂直角在竖直面上的归心改正

    THE COMPUTATION OF THE ZENITH DISTANCE AND SLOPE DISTANCE IN TRIGONOMETRICAL LEVELING Reduction to Mark Center of Slope Distance and Vertical Angle on Vertical Plane

  27. 2指明了基线对高度测量的有效贡献在于其在斜距垂直方向的投影这一重要概念;

    An important concept is revealed that the valid component of baseline for height measuring is its projection in the direction vertical to the slant range .

  28. 不同俯视角地距平面图像之间只存在平移,克服了传统斜距平面成像结果之间的畸变具有空变特性,配准操作复杂的问题。

    The images in the slant-plane have spatial varying distortion and thus need complex registration operation , but only shift exists among those ground-plane images of different depression angles .

  29. 推出了两个实用公式:一个是将观测斜距归算到标石中心的计算公式,另一个是将观测垂直角归算到标石中心的计算公式。

    Two practical formulas are put forward . One is the formula for reduction to the mark center of slope distance , another is the formula for vertical angle .

  30. 将舰船距离和舰船斜边2个参数综合成斜距,简化舰船目标的变化分析。

    Meanwhile , in the present method , the ship targets distance and length are integrated into one parameter , so that the change analysis of ship targets is simplified .