
  • 网络Angular
  1. 他的脸棱角分明,颧骨突出。

    He had an angular face with prominent cheekbones .

  2. 开曲面珍珠岩的形状是棱角分明,非常易碎。

    This open-surfaced perlite tends to be angular in shape and quite friable .

  3. 以前男模是很帅的——都有着棱角分明的下巴、完美的胸肌和金棕色的皮肤。

    Male models used to be gorgeous — all chiselled jaw , perfect pecs and golden tan .

  4. 马丁诺夫是一位面部棱角分明、拥有20年软件和IT公司从业经验的资深人士,他曾在微软(MicrosoftCorp.)供职。他说,电子墨水显示屏的用途是无限的。

    Mr. Martynov , a sharp-featured , 20-year veteran of software and IT companies , including Microsoft Corp. , says the applications are limitless for the e-reader display .

  5. 当谈到穿衣风格,这位游泳冠军喜欢像Lively那样穿衣风格的女性&看上去干净又棱角分明。

    When it comes to style and clothes , the swimming champ is attracted to women who dress similarly to Lively – a clean look with an edge .

  6. 当谈到穿衣风格,这位游泳冠军喜欢像Lively那样穿衣风格的女性---看上去干净又棱角分明。

    When it comes to style and clothes , the swimming champ is attracted to women who dress similarly to Lively - a clean look with an edge .

  7. 用让-保罗·高缇耶(Jean-PaulGaultier)的话说,莱斯利·维纳(LeslieWiner)是“第一个雌雄同体的模特”。在20世纪80年代,棱角分明的容貌让她成为华伦天奴(Valentino)和迪奥小姐(MissDior)的广告代言人;

    Leslie Winer was , in the words of Jean-Paul Gaultier , " the first androgynous model . " In the 1980s , her angular features landed her campaigns for Valentino and Miss Dior ;

  8. X-2“心神”于周五早晨起飞,大约25分钟后安全降落在岐阜空军基地。X-2有着独特的棱角分明的外观,这种设计是为了躲避雷达探测。

    The X-2 " Shinshin " - with the characteristically angular look of aircraft designed to evade radar detection - departed early on Friday morning and landed safely at Gifu air base about 25 minutes later .

  9. 她为他的魅力和他那棱角分明的英武相貌而倾倒。

    She fell for his charm and his rugged good looks .

  10. 几条黑影横卧在碧绿的草坪上,显得直溜溜的,棱角分明。

    The shadow on the perfect lawn were straight and angular .

  11. 这种流行风格更侧重棱角分明的轮廓和中性色调。

    This trend is most concerned with angular cuts and neutral colors .

  12. 他那满是煤灰的脸上,棱角分明的皮肤围绕着坚毅的双眼。

    Rigid edges of skin surround gritty eyes of face caked with coal .

  13. 我看到他棱角分明的双耳煞是俊俏,满头的黑发光滑而亮泽。

    I noticed that his ears were beautifully pointed and his hair was sleek .

  14. 和各条大街的开阔处??像一块块白色的大理石一样棱角分明。

    And the opening of the streets ? angular like blocks of white marble .

  15. 鲜亮的荧光色以及棱角分明的外形能为你的日常装扮添上一抹活泼的色彩。

    Its fluorescent color and structured shape will give your daytime look a zippy finish .

  16. 他棱角分明的脸上有着无法读懂的神情。

    His deeply lined face was unreadable .

  17. 他那张棱角分明的脸十分严肃。

    His craggy face was serious .

  18. 这栋现代,棱角分明的建筑是北京近年改革和现代化的标志之一。

    The modern , angular building was a sign of Beijing 's recent transformation and modernization .

  19. 我知道自己棱角分明的脸和一双大眼睛来着父亲的西班牙祖先。

    I knew that my angular face and large eyes came from my father 's Spanish ancerstors .

  20. 即使在车辆静止不动时,简洁的前悬和棱角分明的外形都显示其运动型轿车的特点。

    Even when it is motionless , the short overhangs and characteristic wedge shape express sporting dynamics .

  21. 她胖了许多脸也不象我第一次遇到她时那样棱角分明了。

    She gained some weight and her face was not so angular as when I first met her .

  22. 他并不胖,铁铸一般的肌肉棱角分明。

    There was no fat on him , and his muscles stood out as though they were of iron .

  23. 东一块,西一块,撒落在各个广场上和各条大街的开阔处-像一块块白色的大理石一样棱角分明。

    It lies here and there in the squares and the opening of the streets-angular like blocks of white marble .

  24. 如果你有一张菱形的脸,这意味着你有棱角分明的额头和尖下巴。

    If you have a diamond shaped face , this means that you have a sharp curved forehead and pointy chin .

  25. 所谓方笔即起笔时呈现折刀头状,棱角分明,是楷书书写的一种起笔方法。

    The so-called square pen presents jackknife head-like started to write when , angular , regular script writing started to write method .

  26. 他的下巴线条更加棱角分明,肢体健壮了,手臂和腿上的毛发颜色更深了。

    His jaw line had begun to square , his limbs to thicken and the hair on his arms and legs to darken .

  27. 他到村里买东西时,他们有时会捕捉到他的身影&头上昂,脸颊棱角分明,金鱼眼;

    They caught a glimpse of him sometimes , with his haughty head , angular and bug-eyed , getting groceries in the village ;

  28. 棕榈树在高速路的两旁洒下歪斜的树影——那些清晰的树影,比我记忆里的还要棱角分明,颜色浅淡得出奇。

    The shadows of the palm trees slanted across the freeway - defined , sharper than I remembered , paler than they should be .

  29. 万达广场凭借其独一无二的建筑造型,统一性与棱角分明的外观在城市景观中拥有地标式的作用。

    Wanda plaza , with its unmistakable overall appearance , will be a unity and make up a " landmark " in the heterogeneous townscape .

  30. 选一个晴朗,多风的日子,拿上一根较长,表面光亮,末端棱角分明的金属物(比如锯子的锯片)。

    On a dry , windy day , take a long polished sheet of metal ( a saw-blade will do ) with a perfectly straight edge .