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zōnɡ hé dà xué
  • comprehensive university
综合大学 [zōng hé dà xué]
  • [university] 包括文、理科各专业的多学科大学

  1. 英文报道中还援引了三位朝鲜人的评论。其中一人是金日成综合大学(KimIlSungUniversity)的老师JongInHo。他说,我焦急地观看电视上朝鲜运动员的比赛。

    It cited quotations , translated into English , from three North Koreans , including one identified as a teacher at Kim Il Sung University named Jong In Ho who said , ' I saw with anxiety on TV the DPRK athletes ' matches .

  2. 军队综合大学学员管理信息化研究

    Research on Students ' Management of Informationalization in Comprehensive Military University

  3. 军队综合大学建立非现役文职教员制度的研究

    Research of Non-active Service Civilian Faculty System in Military Comprehensive Universities

  4. 论军队综合大学综合化学科环境建设

    On the building of a comprehensive disciplines environment in army universities

  5. 综合大学农林科学生思想状况调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Ideological Situation among Agriculture and Forestry Students

  6. 北京市某综合大学本科生饮食与运动习惯调查

    Diet and Exercise Habits of Undergraduates in a Comprehensive University in Beijing

  7. 关于综合大学背景下加强师范教育实习基地建设的思考

    On Strengthening the Construction of Educational Practice Base in the Comprehensive University

  8. 综合大学非医学专业本科生自测健康状况及健商的研究

    Research on Self-Rated Health Status and Health Quotient among Multiversity Nonmedical Undergraduates

  9. 关于教育系在综合大学发展的若干问题思考

    Thoughts on the Development of Pedagogical Department in Comprehensive Universities

  10. 论地方综合大学外语教学三维一体管理的模式

    The Integrated Teaching Management Pattern of the Local Comprehensive University Foreign Language

  11. 综合大学农科专业发展的调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Agriculture specialties development in Comprehensive Universities

  12. 综合大学绿色化学的实践与思考

    Practice and reflection : Green Chemistry in the university

  13. 解析法国高等教育改革趋向&综合大学迈向自治

    Analysis on French Higher Education Reform Trend : University towards " Autonomy "

  14. 综合大学优势与基础科学研究

    The Advantage of Comprehensive Universities and Basic Scientific Research

  15. 宁波某综合大学网络成瘾学生的心理、人格特征

    Psychological and Personality Characteristics of College Students with Internet Addiction Disorder in Ningbo

  16. 西部综合大学本科人才培养模式现状分析

    Status Analysis on Undergraduate Talent Training Model of West China 's Comprehensive Universities

  17. 综合大学附属医院从事临床实践教学的现状与对策

    Current situations and corresponding countermeasures in clinical teaching in affiliated hospitals of comprehensive universities

  18. 军队综合大学个性化发展的战略选择

    Strategies for the Characteristic Development of Military Universities

  19. 综合大学医学类公共选修课建设研究

    A Study on the Construction of the Open Optional Courses of Medicine in Universities

  20. 综合大学的精英教育人才培养模式创新

    On the Innovation of Elite Education of Models of Talents Cultivating in the Comprehensive University

  21. 我国综合大学应用性理科人才培养模式研究

    The Study about Personnel Training Mode of the Applied Science in China 's Comprehensive Universities

  22. 作为在我国具有突出地位和特色的综合大学应如何准确定位?

    And what is the identity of the multiversity which has outstanding position in our country ?

  23. 目前我国综合大学在教师教育专业课程设置方面存在着诸多弊端。

    Now in China there are a lot of problems in the curriculum of teacher education .

  24. 论军队综合大学财务管理体制的一级管理模式

    Financial management model of Military Universities

  25. 试论地方综合大学高教研究活动中的非正式群体

    Tentative Studies on the Informal Groups Involved in the Higher Educational Activities in the Local University

  26. 发挥综合大学办医学院优势培养跨世纪高级医学人才

    Exerting the Superiority of Medical College in Comprehensive University to Train Higher Medical Personnel for 21st Century

  27. 英国综合大学教育学院中职前教师教育课程设置研究

    The Study on the Curriculum of Initial Teacher Education in the Schools of Education in UK Universities

  28. (英国)综合大学学院的教师(特别在剑桥大学或牛津大学)。

    ( British ) teacher at a university of college ( especially at Cambridge or Oxford ) .

  29. 综合大学的领导的委员会,全面管理学生的行为和社会安全。

    A committee of university officers who have general supervision over the welfare and conduct of students .

  30. 而综合大学中的土建专业的发生率却远低于其他专业。

    And the comprehensive university in civil engineering specialty detection rate it was lower than other professionals .