
  • 网络Mixed martial arts;MMA;UFC
  1. UnderArmour创意/品牌资深副总裁史蒂夫·巴蒂斯塔(SteveBattista)在2009年该公司与圣皮埃尔签订一份协议时,曾经把他说成是综合格斗界的迈克尔·乔丹(MichaelJordan)。

    Under Armour exec Steve Battista described St-Pierre as the " Michael Jordan of MMA , " when the company signed Rush to a deal in 2009 .

  2. 通过让顶级格斗手在PPV收入中分得一杯羹,怀特确保综合格斗明星们会提升UFC赛事,以帮助增加PPV节目的总收入。

    By cutting the champion fighters in on the PPV action , White ensures that the stars of MMA will promote the UFC events to help drive up the PPV gross .

  3. 在上周六于拉斯维加斯举行的UFC(终极格斗冠军赛)167期赛事的主赛中,综合格斗(MMA,又称混合武术)传奇人物、UFC次中量级冠军乔治·圣皮埃尔(GeorgesSt-Pierre)接受乔尼·亨德里克斯(JohnyHendricks)的挑战。

    Mixed martial arts legend and UFC welterweight champion Georges St-Pierre takes on Johny Hendricks Saturday night in Las Vegas in the main event of UFC 167 .

  4. 这位综合格斗界的大明星接下来会做什么呢?

    What 's next for MMA 's biggest star ?

  5. 他说:中国人崇拜、喜爱英雄,而综合格斗是所有竞技体育运动的综合体。

    Chinese people worship and adore heroes and mixed martial art is a combination of all competitive sports , he says .

  6. 圣皮埃尔在过去12个月的总收入为1200万美元,这使他成为综合格斗界里收入最高的人。

    St-Pierre 's total income of $ 12 million over the last 12 months makes him the top earner in MMA .

  7. 她已经健身10年了,曾练过3年综合格斗。

    Mou has been in the bodybuilding industry for a decade , and she has three years of MMA training under her belt .

  8. 和许多其它的体育运动不同,综合格斗融各种武术流派特质于一身,因此你必须全面训练,博采众长。

    Unlike a lot of other sports , MMA incorporates characteristics of various martial arts styles , therefore you have to practice and adopt their different strengths .

  9. 他是个演员,最好的演员,如果他想成为今天的综合格斗武士,他一定可以轻而易举地成为人见人怕的角色。

    He was an entertainer , and the best.If he wanted to become an MMA fighter today , he would easily have been that fighter that everyone fears .

  10. 预期圣皮埃尔将会通过在俄罗斯、菲律宾和英国等综合格斗运动拥有广大爱好者的国家签署海外授权协议,进一步提高自己的营销收入。

    Look for GSP to add to his marketing income through licensing deals overseas in countries that are big on MMA like Russia , the Philippines and the UK .