
  • 网络THE HORNET;The Green Hornet;Britt Reid
  1. 亚洲流行歌手周杰伦—《青蜂侠》中塞斯?罗根助手卡托的扮演者,2015年在(约克郡)塞尔比小镇里拥有千年历史的教堂里,与昆凌(汉娜?昆利文)完婚。

    Asian pop star Jay Chou , who played Seth Rogen 's sidekick Kato in The Green Hornet , held his wedding to Hannah Quinlivan at Selby 's 1000-year-old abbey in 2015 .

  2. 作为一名好莱坞电影演员,他曾出演电影《青蜂侠》中的武术专家加藤、电影《速度与激情3:东京漂移》中的发令员以及电影《惊天魔盗团2》中魔法商店的老板李先生等角色。

    As a Hollywood actor , he was seen as martial arts expert Kato in The Green Hornet , a race starter in The Fast and the Furious : Tokyo Drift and as Mr Li , the magic shop owner , in Now You See Me 2 .

  3. 千呼万唤始出来的好莱坞巨作《青蜂侠》9月5日在加州的CenturyCity正式开机,开机的当天,我们欣赏到了“中西合璧”的美丽场景!

    Cameron Diaz and Taiwanese actor Jay Chou film an action scene for the upcoming superhero flick Green Hornet in Los Angeles on Saturday ( September 5 ) .

  4. 国内受欢迎的香港明星周润发和台湾的周杰伦(他在电影版的《青蜂侠》中扮演助手加藤,在红毯上亮相宣传即将上映的影片),韩国的“万人迷”赵寅成、意大利女演员兼制片人MariaCucinotta也出席了仪式。

    Local favorites like Hong Kong star Chow Yun-fat and Taiwan 's Jay Chou , who played sidekick Kato in the movie version of " The Green Hornet " made appearances on the red carpet to promote upcoming films . South Korean heart-throb Zo In-sung , Italian actress and producer Maria Cucinotta also attended the ceremony .

  5. 这是雷德先生家,小时候我们都是为了他看《青蜂侠》,我们对青蜂侠一点都没有兴趣。

    Mr Reid 's residence.As a kid , we watched Green Hornet for him.We could care less about Green Hornet .

  6. 而索尼高层也对此次试映结果很满意,并且已经开始考虑开拍《青蜂侠》续集的可能性。

    The studio is happy with the results and even brought up the possibility of a sequel after seeing the test results .

  7. 索尼公司于本周星期二在美国长滩举行了第一场《青蜂侠》的试映会,所有观影人都填写了一张评价卡。

    Sony Pictures recently tested " Green Hornet " in front of an audience and then asked attendees to fill out a ratings card .

  8. 周星驰曾想要导演和主演塞思的电影“青蜂侠”,但由于意见分歧最终离开。

    Stephen Chow was previously attached to direct and star in the upcoming Seth Rogen film " The Green Hornet ," but ended up leaving due to a difference of opinion .

  9. 周杰伦自己拍摄的电影没有获得好评,但是他在好莱坞影片《青蜂侠》中和卡梅隆-迪亚兹共同的演出赢得了更多关注。

    Jay Chou didn 't receive good reviews for his movies , but he got more attention for his work in the Hollywood film " The Green Hornet " with American actress Cameron Diaz .

  10. 他有个飞车,我只会觉得车不错,但加藤简直不可思议。周围的人个个争着要当李小龙,而不是青蜂侠。

    He had a fly car , I 'll give him props for the car , but Kato was incredible.Everybody in the neighbourhood was fighting to be Bruce Lee , not the Green Hornet .

  11. 他在电邮中说,《青蜂侠》证明,只要市场宣传得当并且能请来合适的明星参演,一部超级英雄片能在一年中的任何时候得到观众的喜爱。

    ' The Green Hornet'proves that if properly marketed and with the right star , a super hero film can find favor with audiences at any time of the year , 'said Dergarabedian in an email .

  12. 你在《青蜂侠》里扮演司机加藤,主要是因为你是唯一一个名字跟布里特·雷德谐音的亚洲脸男子。

    You got the job on The Green Hornet , where you played Kato , the chauffeur , mainly because youre the only Chinese-looking guy who could pronounce the name of the leading character , Britt Reid .

  13. 《青蜂侠》里的很多特技演员碰到李小龙都不知所措。如果是打约翰·韦恩的话,你打一拳他就会趴下,但跟李小龙,你还没反应过来他已经出了好几招,像闪电一样。

    A lot of stunt guys didn 't know how to react.You do the old John Wayne , you throw a punch and the guy goes down.With him , it 's boom , boom , boom , boom , lightning fast .