
  • Death Game;【电影】Play Murder for Me
  1. 恐怖分子故意要同平民百姓做死亡游戏。

    The terrorists have chosen to play a deadly game with the civilian population .

  2. 那是死亡游戏的最后一天。

    It was the last day of the death pool .

  3. 贝根:是他的下一个计划后死亡游戏?

    Bey Logan : Was it his next plan after Game Of Death ?

  4. 贾巴尔《死亡游戏》

    Kareem Abdul-Jabbar ( The Game of Death )

  5. 然而,在城中心地区和中心医院周围狙击手们则继续在玩着他们的死亡游戏。

    Snipers , however , continued their deadly work in the centre and around the main hospital .

  6. 贝根:你与李小龙的死亡游戏,他的最后一块的工作,他无法完成。

    Bey Logan : You worked with Bruce on Game Of Death , his last piece of work he could not finish .

  7. 如果你也必须参加这种死亡游戏,你会去吗?

    Other than that I 'll be just like nope . If you have to compete and fight to the death with other team , would you do it .

  8. 或许死了以后,他们才会有点开窍,金钱不一定是万能的。他们也就不会在这种愚蠢的死亡游戏上下赌注。

    After they had died they might first time learn a little bit that money is not necessary omnipotent , they would 've never wager on such stupid game of death .

  9. 我们今夜要做死亡的游戏,我的新娘和我。

    We are to play the game of death to-night , my bride and I.

  10. 游戏程序很长很很残酷。将会以战斗中这些俘虏们的死亡作为游戏的结束。

    The games are long and cruel and end in death for those captured in battle .

  11. 因此,对于手机制造商而言,这将是一场“创新或死亡”的游戏。

    For phonemakers , then , it 's an " innovate or die " scenario .

  12. 贪吃蛇如果吃到自己和碰到墙就会死亡,重新开始游戏界面。-。

    Snake eat their own and hit the wall if it will die , restart the game interface .

  13. 我想大部分玩家之所以对捡尸体感到困惑是基于其它游戏经验。绝大多数时间当你死亡时,总是希望先回到死亡的地点继续游戏。

    I think most people are confusing corpse runs from other games with this one.9/10 times when you die , you will want to return to your death location anyways just to continue playing the game .