
sǐ qiú
  • dead ball;icing
死球 [sǐ qiú]
  • [icing;dead ball] 水球比赛中球员从防守区将球击过中区并越过对方球门线的击球动作

死球[sǐ qiú]
  1. 不在比赛中的球就是死球。

    A ball that is out of play is dead .

  2. 只要不是死球,没有队员会离开赛

    While the ball is in play , no player may leave the field

  3. 足球整个都出了边线、底线或球门线时,才造成死球。

    The ball is not out of play until the entire ball has crossed over the touch line_or_goal line .

  4. 足球向草地边缘滚去,他好不容易才把它没变成死球。

    The football rolled towards the edge of the pitch , but he managed to keep it in play .

  5. 当然有人会说武器是为了保护人民,可是人民都死球了,你们还保护个屁?

    Of course people might say that is to protect people , weapons , but people are dead , you also protect the fart ?

  6. 在英格兰对阵爱沙尼亚的比赛中,贝克汉姆为球队的右翼找到很多空间,在大家看来是个死球的情况下,他却神奇般的跃了过去。

    However , he had so much space on that right flank against Estonia that it was almost like a dead-ball situation every time he crossed .

  7. 这位24岁的锋线杀手灵动飘忽,运球出色,现在他又赚得了死球专家的美名。

    The24-year-old forward is blessed with lightning pace and excellent dribbling skills , and he is also now carving out a reputation as a dead-ball specialist .

  8. 玩家可以在进行在比赛过程中的任何时候安排球员的替换,而当比赛有了死球的时候,预先安排的换人就会自动进行。

    The user can now queue substitutions at any time during gameplay and the game will automatically make the substitutions at the next stoppage in play .

  9. 约翰逊打出斜线球回击,球打到了底线右角。足球整个都出了边线、底线或球门线时,才造成死球。

    Johnson returns it crosscourt , deep to the right baseline comer . The ball is not out of play until the entire ball has crossed over the touch line_or_goal line .