
  • 网络fist of fury
  1. 不久成龙便踏上了返回香港主演《新精武门》的路程。

    Soon Jackie was on his way back to Hong Kong to star in New Fist of Fury .

  2. 目光敏锐的剧迷肯定能看出对经典武打场面致敬的若干场面,比如王家卫《一代宗师》中的雨中对剑,还有《精武门》中李小龙在日本柔道馆里的混战。

    Keen-eyed fans will spot homages to several well-known martial arts scenes , from the rain-soaked swordfight in Wong Kar-wai 's " The Grandmaster " to Bruce Lee 's battle royale in the Japanese dojo in " Fist of Fury " ( a.k.a. " The Chinese Connection " ) .

  3. 我想你说了精武门是无用的。

    And I thought you said Jing Wu school was worthless .

  4. 为什么不回精武门呢?

    Why not try to get back tojing Wu school ?

  5. 你会放过精武门吗?

    Will you leave thejing Wu school alone ?

  6. 我们的精武门是他的伟大成就。

    Our school here was his achievement .

  7. 李在《精武门》《猛龙过江》等电影中所传达的中国力量恰恰符合了崛起中的中国的力量。

    Lee 's message of Chinese strength in movies like " The Chinese Connection " and " Return of the Dragon " also matches that of a rising China .