
  1. 精神与物质的分裂,是无法带你回家的。

    The splitting of spirit and matter cannot carry one home .

  2. 他探索诸如精神与物质之类的二元性。

    He seeks a dualism such as mind and matter .

  3. 揭示了人类精神与物质互动的角色转换。

    It has deciphered the switch between spirit and material for human beings .

  4. 文化输出中,影像表征的内容涉及精神与物质的多个层面。

    In the cultural output , image representation concerns the multiple dimensions of spirit and substance .

  5. 试谈社会主义市场经济条件下精神与物质的辩证关系

    A Preliminary Study on the Dialectical Relationship between Spirit and Material under the Socialist Market Condition

  6. 老年人分享改革发展成果,是指老年人在我国改革和发展中应依法取得精神与物质利益。

    The achivements of reform and development sharing by the old includes the spirit and material interests .

  7. 精神与物质的两难选择&曾树生人物形象的原型解读

    Difficult Alternative between Spirit and Material & Interpretation of the Prototype of Zeng Shu sheng 's Figure

  8. 这种兼顾精神与物质建设的穆斯林核心价值观,具有丰富的内涵和深远的现实意义。

    That kind of core value which concerns both spiritual and material construction , is of great significance .

  9. 古典型艺术达到了精神与物质的统一,理念显现与客体性相正好统一。

    Classical art reaches the unity of spirit and matter and its idea appearance and objective matters are unified .

  10. 是一种科技含量高,文化性强,自然意趣浓,能同时满足高效率生产及人们精神与物质双重享受的现代果业。

    Besides it can satisfy both the production of high efficiency and people 's spirit and material double enjoyment .

  11. 脱俗与俗气,从某种意义上讲,就是精神与物质的关系。

    Refined and the vulgar , in a sense , that is , the relationship between spirit and matter .

  12. 我原谅我自己身体层面意识渴望攀升到高维度并将精神与物质分离开来的行为。

    I forgive my own body level consciousness for desiring to rise up the dimensions and separate spirit from matter .

  13. 有亿万时间以及14个道周期以来,所尝试的一切都是分裂精神与物质。

    For eons of time and in14 Tao cycles , all that has been attempted has split spirit and matter .

  14. 生态学是一门包容生命与环境,人类与自然,社会与地球,精神与物质的交叉学科。

    Ecology is an interdisciplinary field which studies life and environment , human and nature , society and earth , spirit and material .

  15. 在自由当中,身体层面意识深信,这就是提升以及提升的目的&来分离精神与物质。

    In the freedom , the body level consciousness believes that this is what ascension is and for ; to separate spirit and matter .

  16. 追求精神与物质的完美结合&重庆市涪陵五中校园规划与建筑设计方案体会

    Chasing the perfect combination of spirit and substance & Scheme design of the plan and design for the Puling No.5 middle school in Chongqing

  17. 对刘炜而言,一笔一划都象徵精神与物质上片刻的真实,笔触间充满了生活里起起伏伏的悸动与经验。

    For Liu , every brushstroke relates to an ephemeral spiritual and material reality , fraught with impulses and experiences both high and low .

  18. 一个国家的物质进步与繁荣还要看它们能否导致全民的精神与物质福利才知其可取与否。

    The material progress and prosperity of a nation are desirable chiefly so far as they lead to the moral and material welfare of all citizens .

  19. 相信现实是由两种对抗元素构成:精神与物质或正与邪的学说。

    The doctrine that reality consists of two basic opposing elements , often taken to be mind and matter ( or mind and body ), or good and evil .

  20. 精神与物质、善与恶、光明与黑暗等对立现象在19-20世纪的许多文学作品里都有不同程度的表现。

    The antithetic phenomenon between spirit and material , good and evil as well as brightness and darkness are embodied in different degrees in many works in the19-20th centuries .

  21. 随着信息化的发展,互连网需要提供更多的服务,构造更完善的体系以满足越来越多的用户的精神与物质需求。

    With the development of information technology , the Internet need to provide more services , from more perfect system to satisfy the material and spiritual needs of users increasingly .

  22. 这是精神与物质互相转化、辩证统一的实践过程中,无疑会有利于延伸中国图形艺术设计的发展。

    This is another spiritual and material transformation of the dialectical unity of practice , no doubt China will be beneficial to extend the development of graphic art and design .

  23. 方案的基本原则是公平、公开、公正原则、精神与物质相结合、多种激励相结合以及差异化。

    The basic principles of the program is fair , open , and the principles of justice , the spiritual and material by combining a variety of incentives combined and differentiation .

  24. 为了满足体育需要而从体育媒体购买或准备购买其提供的精神与物质产品的消费群体就是体育传媒市场;

    Sports media market can be regarded as the consumers ' groups who buy or will buy the spiritual or material products offered by the sports media for their demands on sports .

  25. 网络时代的政治经济学并不是以商品为其对象,而是以陈述这个精神与物质统一的新事物为其核心概念。

    The political economics in the Network Age does not make commodity its object , but takes statement , a new thing that integrates spirit with matter , as its core conception .

  26. 教育是人的产物,而人具有精神与物质双重性,所以在教育诞生之初与诞生之后,就因为人类的高度参与,被利益和权力感染,有了原罪。

    Education is the product of human being , people have mental and material duality , so before and after education comes into being , profit and power make education with original sin .

  27. 笛作为中华民族精神与物质统一的一项文化财富,已从自身所拥有的不可磨灭的价值升华为一种跨越艺术门类的、光辉灿烂的文化价值。

    Flute , as a cultural wealth of the unification of Chinese national spirit and material , has sublimated its indelible value to a splendid cultural value which crosses the categorization of art .

  28. 试从自我抒情主人公形象的创造、与时俱进的爱国主义、对科学精神与物质文明的讴歌三个方面进行分析,以期对现代诗歌创作有所启迪。

    The article analyses dramatics personae 's self from three aspects about image-building , patriotism and the praises in matter and spirit , so as to give some rewarding enlightenment on inditing contemporary poesy .

  29. 小说《探险家沃斯》反讽艺术的背后是现代人精神与物质冲突的真实反映,同时也是作者帕特里克·怀特对现代人生存价值的独特诠释。

    Beneath the keynote of running through Voss is the real reflection of individual existence in modern time as well as Patrick White 's unique illustration of the value of an individual under the circumstances .

  30. 在认识历史时,必须在坚持一元论历史观的指导下,辩证思考精神与物质之间的相互作用,从而在根本上厘清历史发展的方向。

    In the understanding of history , must adhere to the monistic view of history under the guidance of dialectical thinking the interaction between mind and matter , and thus clarify the fundamental direction of history .