
  • 网络Spiritual Cultivation;cultivation of minds;mental discipline;The Spiritual Exercises;edification
  1. 境界教育是旨在促进人的境界即内在精神修养和思想觉悟水平提升的教育活动的总称。

    Horizons education is a general title of the educational activities which aim at expanding people 's inner horizons .

  2. 这使得他反思到在他此生的生命结束之前精神修养的重要性。

    It made him reflect about the importance of spiritual cultivation before his time in this life ran out .

  3. 不论是政治或精神修养的造诣有多深,或者甚至是与他人之间有一种默契的关系,就孤独这一点而言,是没有区别的。

    It is no different with political , spiritual enlightenment , or even becoming enlightened about relating to each other .

  4. 大学语文教学对学生的精神修养、人文素质教育的潜移默化以及写作能力的提高有不可低估的作用,因此选编大学语文教材时,应该树立牢固的精品观念。

    Teaching college Chinese has a great effect on students ' moral accomplishments , humanistic quality and the writing ability .

  5. 我今年的重点将是,如何获得最大程度的健康,加深我的精神修养,并获得快乐。

    My focus this year will be on how to achieve optimum health , deepen my spiritual connection , and have some fun .

  6. 你越是拥有健康有理智,精神修养的造诣越深,生活越平衡,越富有,或你的名气传播得越广,你也会感觉越孤独。

    The more mentally healthy you become , the more spiritual , the more balanced , the wealthier , the more global you become * the more alone you may feel .

  7. 我感觉诚实守信是一种精神修养,也是每一位公民都有的一种责任感和崇高的品质。

    I feel the honesty keep promise since is a kind of morals quality and the morals convictions , is also the morals responsibility if each citizen is also a kind of lofty personality power .

  8. 道教所讲的精神修养主要是人的情志、意识、道德和性格等心理品质的陶冶和修炼,从而使人获得一种恬淡虚无的心境。

    The formation of one 's mind mainly include the cultivation of psychological qualities in temperament and interest , consciousness , morality and personality so as to achieve a mental state of nihility and being indifferent to fame and gain .

  9. 最后,其极富实学精神的修养工夫以及崇高的生命境界和价值追求无不渗透着深切的价值理性意识。

    Finally , his accomplishment with practical leaning spirit , as well as his noble life realm and his pursuit of value were deeply permeated by the sense of value sense .

  10. 学校体育是一种教育,是一种思想和精神的修养,是一种人生态度.它与未成年人健康成长紧密联系而不容割断。

    No cutting the connection , School Physical Education has near relations to the unadult growth in good health , is an education , an idealistic and spirited culture , an attitude of life , too .

  11. 提出了应将爱国、创新、合作精神、自我修养等方面作为研究生应具备的基本素质,并对导师队伍的建设提出一些改革的建议。

    The article puts forward some opinions that graduates should have essence qualities of patriotism , creation , collaborated spirit , self-cultivation etc , and propose some innovational suggests of construction of graduate tutors procession .

  12. 山水画家风格的形成除了与他个人用笔的习惯,对笔墨的掌控以及对绘画的理解外,还与其个人精神和内在修养有很大的联系。

    In addition to the formation of artist-style pen with his personal habits , to the ink control and understanding of the painting , the cultivation of his personal spirit and inner links are also great .

  13. 急待提高的篮球意识、团队精神和思想文化修养。

    Low level basketball consciousness , group spirit and cultivation .

  14. 以创新精神推进思想道德修养课教学改革

    Promoting Teaching Reform of the Course of Ideology and Morality Accomplishment by Innovative Spirit

  15. 第四部分从优化实践方式,不断学习,树立革命批判精神,加强道德修养四个方面简要提出了在全球化进程中,推进思维方式现代化的应对策略。

    In fourth part advances briefly the strategy of making the method of thinking modernize from making the method of practice advanced , studying constantly , establishing revolutionary - critical spirit and enhancing moral training .

  16. 在精神方面,根据审美关系角度,探讨画者绘画技巧与自身精神修养,观者面对实的形象与观后产生的虚的不尽联想之间相互作用的虚实辩证关系。

    In the spiritual , aesthetic relations point of view to explore the painter painting techniques and spiritual cultivation , and the reality of the interaction between the real image of the screen surface and the viewer virtual endless Lenovo dialectical relationship .

  17. 文殊智慧中所渗透的人文精神不但是中国传统文化中一笔值得珍惜的宝贵遗产,而且对于今天的先进文化建设和现代人的精神修养也不乏多方面的启示。

    The humane spirit that permeated among his enlightenment is not only in the traditional Chinese culture a valuable heritage worth treasuring but also a multidimensional revelation both to the reconstruction of the modern civilization and the spiritual perfection of the modern human beings .