
  • 网络mental capital;spiritual capital;psychic capital
  1. 企业家精神资本包括区域创新努力和区域创新能力两个方面。

    Entrepreneurship capital include the regional innovation efforts and regional innovation capacity .

  2. 经济发展中精神资本的一般性分析

    General Analysis of Spirit Capital in Economic Development

  3. 只有均衡地拥有四资本、并以精神资本为主,才是个人幸福、组织成功、社会和谐的保证。

    An optimal combination of4Capital is the best way to ensure individual happiness , excellent performance of organizations , and social harmony .

  4. 分别从企业家精神、人力资本、文化资本和文化产业等几个方面,分析并评价了反映地域文化不同内涵的要素内容对区域经济增长的作用效应。

    This chapter analyze and evaluate the economic effects of different contents and elements of regional culture from entrepreneurship , human capital , cultural capital and cultural industry .

  5. 之后,论文从风险资本的筹集、机构关系、合约的制定、税收政策与企业家精神、风险资本的进入与退出方式等多方面作了较详尽、系统的分析,并提出了一些创新性观点。

    Then , the paper analyzes detailedly the raise of verdure capital , organization relationship , contracts formulation , tax policy and entrepreneur spirits , etc. , and some new viewpoints are brought forward .

  6. 当下的现实表明,中国文化精神与西方资本原则之间存在着张力,并且正是在此张力之中发生着中华民族的命运转换。

    The existing reality indicates that there is a tension between the Chinese cultural spirit and the Western capital principle , and it is just in this tension that a destiny transition of the Chinese nation is taking place .

  7. 宏观财务制度包括企业财务通则及应用指引,企业内部财务制度包括人力资本财务制度、体现人本精神的物质资本财务制度、社会资本财务制度和环境资本财务制度。

    The former includes enterprise financial general rule and its practice note while the latter includes human capital financial regulations , material capital financial regulations that reflecting people-oriented spirit , social capital financial regulations and environmental capital financial regulations .

  8. 社会发展离不开公共服务精神这个社会资本,而强调公共服务精神是时代的呼唤和我国当前经济社会发展的需要。

    Social development can not be realized without the spirit of public service which is a social capital . And emphasizing the spirit of public service is the call of the time and the demand of our social economic development .

  9. 珠江三角洲经济发展中所具有的移民经济、创新精神、民族资本与实业强国、外贸传统与商业精神等历史传统是其发展模式得以确立的重要历史基础。

    Historical traditions with immigration economy , pioneering spirit , national capital and powerful industrial nation , tradition of foreign trade and commerce spirit etc. in the economic development of the Delta are the important historic basis of establishing the development pattern .

  10. 文章根据十六届三中全会的精神,就资本市场的地位、发展的基本原则及促进资本市场与其它市场的协调发展等问题谈一些看法。

    According to the idea of the Third Plenary Session of the party 's Sixteenth Central committee , the paper proposes certain viewpoints concerning the status , the basic development principles , the promotion and the coordinate development of the capital market .

  11. 是他们的企业家精神、技术以及资本改变了广大阿拉伯年轻一代在世界上的形象。

    It is their entrepreneurship , know-how , and capital that are reshaping the vast young Arab generation 's outlook on the world .

  12. 道德人力资本是指在一定的社会条件下形成的行为规范、价值理性和实践精神在调整人力资本的行为过程中能够产生价值的价值。

    Morality capital of human , forming under certain social background , is a system of behavior conduct , values and practical spirit . The system obtains value in the process of adjusting the behavior of individuals of human capital .

  13. 在名声主义盛行的精神经济时代,品牌已成为独立的价值存在和精神经济资本。

    In spiritual economic times being current reputation doctrine , the well-known brand is a kind of independent value existence and a spiritual economic capital .