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  1. 蒙古族是一个精骑善射的民族,其传统体育具有浓郁的草原民族特色。

    The Mongolian nationality is good at riding and shooting . Their traditional sports have rich characteristics of grasslands .

  2. 而他将会率领着四万精骑.他绝不能伤害我的儿子.他也绝不能伤害你,卡丽熙.

    With 40000 riders behind him . He will not have my son . He will not have you either , Khaleesi .

  3. 当苻竖得知晋军先锋缺乏粮草的情况后,便亲率精骑八千,兼程赶往寿春,并派俘虏的晋将朱序到晋营威胁谢石投降。

    Informed the facts that the Jin army had merely insufficient supplies , Fu Jian hurried to Shouchun with 8 000 strong crack horsemen and sent the surrendered general of Jin , Zhu Xu to intimidate Xie Shi to give in .