
hái gǔ
  • skeleton;human bones
骸骨 [hái gǔ]
  • (1) [human bones] 尸骸之骨

  • 父子暴骸骨于中野,不可胜数。--《史记.淮阴侯列传》

  • (2) 又指身体。旧称一身为上尽事,故辞官称乞骸骨

骸骨[hái gǔ]
  1. 这男孩好奇地弯下身去看鹿的骸骨。

    The boy bent curiously to the skeleton of the buck .

  2. 在洞穴中发现了那个失踪者的骸骨。

    The skeleton of the missing man was discovered in the cave .

  3. 骸骨残存的右眼眼球有助于化验DNA从而证明它是否属于人类。

    The remains of an eyeball in the right socket will help determine its genetic DNA - and clear up the controversy if it is human or not .

  4. 2013年初次发现后,由60名科学家组成的一个国际团队一直在致力于表征从距离约翰内斯堡50公里的“新星洞”(RisingStar)发掘出的15具骸骨。

    An international team of 60 scientists has worked on characterising the bones of 15 individuals removed from the Rising Star cave 50km from Johannesburg since the initial discovery in 2013 .

  5. 莱斯特大学研究人员表示,这副骸骨的DNA同理查三世一名姐妹的后代吻合,而且骸骨的脊柱弯曲,有战争留下的创伤,这都与历史记载吻合。

    DNA from the bones matched that of descendants of the king 's sister , while the skeleton had the twisted spine and battle injuries consistent with contemporary accounts , said researchers from the University of Leicester .

  6. 结论:膝关节结构在经胫骨粗隆后方2.5cm处的冠状断面、膝部的正中矢状面和经骸骨尖下方横断面上最为典型。

    CONCLUSION : Knee has most typical strue-ture on coronal section 2.5 cm back of tuberosity of tibia , on sagittal section and transverse section through patellar tip level .

  7. 结论:对某些骸骨粉碎骨折,不适合改良张力带固定,则钢丝环扎加Maxon线张力带缝合效果最佳,该方法可满足早期功能锻炼,尽早恢复膝关节功能。

    Conclusion : For some comminuted fracture , the modified tension band wire is not suitable , then , the circular wire and Maxon tension band wire suture are the best . The method is reliable and responsible to early function exercise .

  8. 在基加利,工人挖掘地基时出土了人类骸骨;

    in Kigali , excavations for the foundations unearthed human remains ;

  9. 她的骸骨躺在一个海滨之城。

    Her bones lie in a city by the sea .

  10. 2002年,利维的骸骨在一个城市公园里被发现。

    Levy 's skeletal remains were found in a city park in2002 .

  11. 不要挪移他的骸骨。

    ' Don 't let anyone disturb his bones . '

  12. 而另一些则仅仅是珊瑚和骸骨碎片的堆积。

    Others are merely accumulations of coral and skeletal debris .

  13. 他们整夜在死人的骸骨上蹒跚前行:

    They stumble all night over bones of the dead ;

  14. 他们就像山谷里的那堆骸骨;

    They were like those dead bones in that valley .

  15. 对黑死病受害者骸骨的研究揭示了这样一个生动的事实。

    Studies of Black Death victims " skeletal remains reveal a telling tale .

  16. 如果这真是比尔的骸骨,他怎么能嘲笑比尔呢;

    How could he have the laugh on bill if that were bill ;

  17. 对你发现了整副骸骨我很惊讶。

    I 'm amazed you found a complete skeleton .

  18. 把她和她儿子的骸骨好好安葬。

    For the remains of her son and her to be brought out .

  19. 一些陶顿骸骨显示出相似的反常骨骼结构。

    Some of the towton men display the same type of unusual bone density .

  20. 乌龟壳的四周围绕着被科学家称为萨满教的人类骸骨。

    The tortoise shells surrounded the remains of individuals who the scientists say were shamans .

  21. 骸骨发现于2008年。

    The bones were found in 2008 .

  22. 膝部的骨由股骨胫骨、骸骨及排骨构成。

    The bone of knee joint consists of thighbone , shinbone , kneecap and fibula .

  23. 德桑蒂斯说,这是这个有3000年历史的墓地中发现的首具人类骸骨。

    It was the first skeleton to be found in the3000-year-old necropolis , she said .

  24. 他提到这些骸骨的眼窝比正常人的大出很多。

    He said that that the eye cavities are far larger than normally seen in humans .

  25. 他们就不动他的骸骨,也不动从撒玛利亚来那先知的骸骨。

    So they spared his bones and those of the prophet who had come from Samaria .

  26. 看哪,他们逃避灾难,埃及人必收殓他们的尸首,摩弗人必葬埋他们的骸骨。

    Even if they escape from destruction , Egypt will gather them , and Memphis will bury them .

  27. 在她最后发力登顶的路途中,路旁那些冻僵死去的骸骨们仿佛一座座纪念碑。

    In her final effort to the top , several frozen bodies were like monuments alongside her path .

  28. 然而,当骸骨被安葬到最终的坟墓之后,祖先就完全要依靠活着的后代了。

    However , when the bones are buried , the ancestors have to fully rely on their offsprings .

  29. 将他们祭司的骸骨烧在坛上,洁净了犹大和耶路撒冷。

    He burned the bones of the priests on their altars , and so he purged Judah and Jerusalem .

  30. 以西结依照神的吩咐去做,散开的骸骨便开始连接起来。

    As Ezekiel did what God told him to do and say , the bones started to come together .