
  • 网络spirit;Spirituality
  1. 透过这一时期的诗赋可见出魏晋文士的精神风貌及其折射出来的文化内涵。

    Through the poetry of this period , the spirit of scholars and its cultural connotation are visible .

  2. 它不仅有美学价值,而且帮助艺术家表达某种精神风貌和艺术追求。

    It is not only aesthetic value , and help artists to express some kind of spirit and artistic pursuit .

  3. 增强改革创新本领,保持锐意进取的精神风貌,善于结合实际创造性推动工作,善于运用互联网技术和信息化手段开展工作。

    We should be enterprising , work creatively in light of actual conditions , and adeptly apply information technology , including the internet , in our work .

  4. 从《诗经》看周民族的精神风貌

    The Spiritual Features of the Zhou Nationality Demonstrated in The Poetry

  5. 这里的精神风貌真是太棒了

    What a spirit there is here . It 's absolutely amazing

  6. 整个社会呈现出生机盎然的精神风貌和欣欣向荣的局面。

    The whole society was full of life and prosperous .

  7. 唐代妇女凭着独特的精神风貌给世人留下了深刻印象。

    Women in the Tang Dynasty impressed people for their unique spiritual appearance .

  8. 独特的用诗机制表现出春秋士人特有的精神风貌。

    Unique means of using poetry put up special spirit style and feature .

  9. 这一切改变了信息技术产业的精神风貌。

    As a result , the ethos of the information technology industry changed .

  10. 优秀的企业文化是企业精神风貌的充分体现。

    Excellent corporate culture is the ample embodiment of the spiritual style of enterprise .

  11. 她反映一个企业的精神风貌,决定企业内在凝聚力的大小。

    Corporate culture reflects the spiritual style and determines the inherent cohesiveness of the enterprise .

  12. 狩猎活动体现了三国时代的精神风貌。

    The hunting activity reflected the spiritual outlook of the period of the Three Kingdoms .

  13. 图书馆建筑所展现的精神风貌和审美情趣反映了时代文化背景。

    The spiritual style and taste which the library building unfolds reflect the age culture background .

  14. 平民文化是由平民创造或为他们创造的、反映他们的日常生活和精神风貌的文化。

    Commonalty culture is created by or for commonalty , reflecting their daily life and spirit .

  15. 而社会语用则反映了一个社会的民众文化素质及其道德修养和精神风貌。

    Thus social pragmatics manifests demotic cultural qualities , moral attainments and spiritual features of a society .

  16. 战斗爱尔兰面对的是自己过硬的精神风貌,对橡树山学院在一项赛事一月。

    The Fighting Irish faced their stiffest test against Oak Hill Academy during a tournament in January .

  17. 比赛期间活跃的气氛,激烈的竞争,展示了我外语系学生团结向上的精神风貌及良好的氛围。

    The unbeatable atmosphere and the hot competition will bring forth a good team work to everyone .

  18. 抢花炮象征着中华民族的团结、向上、开拓、进取的精神风貌。

    The firecrackers-robbing symbolizes the Chinese mental outlook of uniting , making progress , developing and enterprising .

  19. 他们的油画作品向观看者传达了少数民族地区独特的精神风貌和文化内涵。

    Their paintings convey the spirit and culture connotation of unique ethnic minority areas to the viewer .

  20. 先秦时期的商人阶层有着自己独特的精神风貌和家庭生活。

    Merchant class people of the pre Qin period had their own unique spiritual world and family life .

  21. 在接待过程中要以良好的精神风貌、丰富恰当的身体语言把握好情态技巧;

    It is imperative to convey the right mood through good spirits and rich and appropriate body language .

  22. 城市雕塑艺术体现一座城市的文化档次和精神风貌,它用美的形式与内容来潜移默化地调节人的心理节奏,丰富城市色彩,美化城市环境,并逐渐在人们心目中占据了重要位置。

    It serves its beauty both in shape and content to enrich both city environment and human mind .

  23. 就操作层面看,有这样六个方面的内容,即新设施、新环境、新房舍、新公共服务、新社会保障和新精神风貌。

    As part of the campaign , the central authorities are reorienting public finance to support rural development programs .

  24. 学风作为校风的重要构成和基础,集中体现出一所学校的精神风貌和综合实力。

    Good learning style is the key ingredient and foundation for forming a good school spirit and improving its quality .

  25. 社会风气是社会大多数人的精神风貌和行为方式,它具有群体性、连锁性和二重性的特点。

    The general mood of society is the mental attitude and the way of behavior of the majority of the people .

  26. 加强大学生网民的伦理道德教育,对网络社会的积极培育,甚至对整个社会风气和精神风貌都有积极的意义。

    To enhance ethical education of college students using the Internet has a positive meaning for the whole society and mental outlook .

  27. 把大的工作量作为一种推动你自己向前、学习新技能、展示你的精神风貌的好机会。

    Think of a heavy work load as an exciting opportunity to push yourself , learn new skills and show your medal .

  28. 伦敦旅行者:您的照片,在表现建筑的内在的精神风貌方面,真的都做得很好。我想请问的是,您是专业的建筑师吗?

    London Traveler : Your architectural photos are really good at showing the spirit of a building-are you an architect by profession ?

  29. 江苏省扬中高级中学是一所省级重点高中,是一个向社会展现良好精神风貌的平台。

    Jiangsu Yangzhou Senior Middle School is a Provincial Principal middle school , a platform to display a good-spirit to the society .

  30. 通过合唱音乐作品可以展示国家和民族的精神风貌,可以起到激励民众、团结民众的作用。

    The choral music can display the spirit of the country and nation , can afford to inspire the people and unite people .