
  1. 埃莉的笔记:植物的香气与精神链接!

    Note from Ellie : Floral fragrances link to spirit !

  2. 帝国兽人守护者:启动你与宠物的精神链接,持续20秒,对你或你宠物造成的伤害将由你与宠物平均分担。

    Shaman ( Orc ); Spiritual Link , Binds your spirit to your pet for20 seconds , causing all damage to you or your pet to be split between you equally .

  3. 李刚描绘奇异风景和模糊的内心意识的摄影作品表达了他通过直觉对世界充满诗意的理解,并有一种和作者精神上的链接。

    Li Gang 's photographs of mysterious landscapes and vague interiors capture his intuitive , poetic view of the world and have spiritual associations .