
  1. 而自从弗洛伊德(Freud)创立精神分析方法以来,很多的学者开始运用这一方法来解释组织的行为,创立了精神分析的组织理论,其中,戴蒙德(Diamond)就是著名的代表。

    But since Freud originated psychoanalysis , many scholars began to explain behavior of organization with it , which comes to be psychoanalytic organization theory , Diamond is the famous representative .

  2. 用弗洛伊德的潜意识论的精神分析方法对该作品及劳伦斯本人进行了剖析。

    Lawrence ′ s sub-consciousness from the dimension of the psycho-analysis , and analyzed the novel and Lawrence himself , using the method of psycho-analysis of Freud ′ s sub-consciousness .

  3. 艺术品的消费和艺术市场的繁荣是否消解了艺术行为的价值呢?文章运用符号学原理以及精神分析方法理论等对艺术市场繁荣现象作一些探讨。

    Do the consumption of arts and the boom of the artistic market clear up the value of artistic behavior This article discusses the boom of artistic market by using semeiology and psychoanalysis principles .

  4. 在过去,大多数学者往往集中于其俄狄浦斯情结,用精神分析的方法研究保罗和其母亲的畸形关系;其他批评家则注重研究劳伦斯对于工业化弊端以及人性异化的批判。

    In the past , most critics focused on the " Oedipus Complex " of this novel , regarding the relationship between Paul and his mother as abnormal with the approach of psychoanalysis . Others paid attention to the evils of industrialization and alienation of human nature .

  5. 根据人口统计特征的不同和共患精神障碍调整分析方法。

    Analyses were adjusted for differences in demographic characteristics and comorbid mental disorders .

  6. 其中有代表意义的是社会学批评方法、比较文学批评方法和精神分析学批评方法。

    Among those methods , the socialism criticism method , the comparative literature criticism method and the psychoanalysis criticism method are representative .

  7. 国内外文献综述组成第一部分。第二章主要介绍本文拉康式精神分析的研究方法。

    The first is the literature review both at home and abroad , while the second is an introduction of my research approach & Lacanian Psychoanalysis .

  8. 新个体心理学还采用实证研究的方法对个体心理学的诸多概念进行了证实,丰富了精神分析的研究方法,从而大大提高了精神分析研究的科学性。

    In addition , it makes use of the empirical research methods to confirm many concepts , enriches the tools of psychoanalytic research , and greatly improves the scientificity of psychoanalysis .

  9. 本文运用精神分析的观点和方法讨论了心理治疗中吸烟的现象。

    Smoking in the psychotherapy was discussed from the view of psychodynamics .

  10. 儿童精神分析学的主要方法及其应用

    Child Psychoanalysis : Methods and Their Application

  11. 然后作者总结了人们对这部小说所做的早期文献研究,并且解释了使用弗洛伊德精神分析法作为理论方法来研究这部小说的原因。

    Then the author summarizes the previous studies on the novel and demonstrates the reasons for exploiting Freudian psychoanalysis as the theoretical approach to this study .

  12. 因此,注目“潜意识”问题研究且成果颇丰的弗洛伊德精神分析学派的相关方法,在中国地域文化研究中便大有用武之地。

    Therefore , the relative methods in Sigmund Feud 's Psychoanalysis , which had paid attention to " unconscious " and has gained a great success , would be valuable in Chinese geographical culture research .