
jìn qǔ jīnɡ shén
  • spirit of enterprising
  1. 在当今竞争激烈的市场上,一个好的销售员应该有进取精神。

    A good salesperson has to be aggressive in today 's competitive market .

  2. 杰克很有进取精神。

    Jack is a man of great enterprise .

  3. 这些没有进取精神的人把钱都闲置在银行里。

    These unenterprising people have money lying idle in a bank .

  4. 该公司努力以富有创新和进取精神的形象出现。

    The company tries to project an image of being innovative and progressive .

  5. 要始终保持奋发有为的进取精神,永葆党的先进性和纯洁性,答好新时代的答卷。

    The CPC members should always maintain the enterprising spirit , ensure the Party 's purity and advanced nature , and pass the test of the new era .

  6. 弗兰切斯基尼认为,文化部的这些变革是总理马泰奥·伦齐(MatteoRenzi)的政府乐观进取精神的体现。马泰奥·伦齐面临着遏制意大利经济长期衰退的艰巨任务。

    Mr. Franceschini has championed the changes at the Culture Ministry as part of the can-do spirit of the government of Prime Minister Matteo Renzi , who faces the challenging task of rousing Italy from a protracted recession .

  7. 我希望儿子能表现出更多的进取精神。

    I wish my son would show a bit more initiative .

  8. 创新与进取精神使得它蓬勃发展。

    It is innovation plus initiative that has kept it thriving .

  9. 进取精神战胜安逸享受。

    Of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease .

  10. 顽强执著的敬业进取精神来源于利益的激励;

    The tenacious professional enterprising spirit originates from the benefit drive ;

  11. 任何一个具有创新进取精神的民族都应该是富有诗意的名族。

    An innovative and enterprising spirit of national poetic family name .

  12. 现在的主管们雄心勃勃,竞争意识强并有进取精神。

    Today 's executives are hungry , competitive , and aggressive .

  13. 这是创新与进取精神。

    Indeed , they stem from the spirit of innovation and initiative .

  14. 我们努力创建一支充满活力和进取精神的团队。

    We are committed to build an energetic team with enterprising spirit .

  15. 你认为没有积极进取精神是女性的特征吗?

    Do you agree that not being aggressive is a female characteristic ?

  16. 我决定继承父亲的进取精神

    I decided to embrace the entrepreneurial spirit of my father

  17. 加上一句,应该创新与进取精神蓬勃发展。

    A spirit of innovation and initiative is also fueling its progress .

  18. 他因为表现出进取精神,所以得到了这份工作。

    He get the job because he show the spirit of enterprise .

  19. 他们的进取精神会使他们在当今的充满竞争的市场中阔步前进。

    Their go-ahead attitude will take them far in today 's competitive market .

  20. 追求新知,和进取精神。

    The pursuit of knowledge , with enterprising spirit .

  21. 恰恰是那些最有钱的社会奉行最具有进取精神的策略。

    It is precisely the richest societies which pursue the most aggressive politics .

  22. 构建核心价值观与进取精神相结合的企业文化

    Construct the Enterprise Culture of Combining Kernel of Value with Keeping Forging Ahead

  23. 汤姆很有进取精神。

    Tom is a man of great enterprise .

  24. 文化消费如同一把尺子,能衡量出一个民族的进取精神和状态。

    Cultural consumption as a ruler , can measure a national spirit and state .

  25. 领导班子具有团结、作、拓进取精神。

    The management has the unity , the cooperation , explores and develop the spirit .

  26. 这些成功人士必定保持了那种进取精神。

    Such achievers must maintain that drive .

  27. 有了进取精神就会奋发向上,不断地激发生命的潜能。

    With enterprising spirit will exert upward , continue to inspire the potential of life .

  28. 培养他们良好的道德,使他们养成勤勉、充满活力和富有进取精神的习惯;

    Train them to virtue , habituate them to industry , activity , and spirit .

  29. 而他的美国梦式的积极进取精神,昭显了他人生追求的高尚性,又是他最后能向堕落的上流社会抗争,超越自身的原因。

    And his enterprise of the American Dream manifests the magnificent spiritual lay of his ideal .

  30. 具有宏观和战略眼光,强烈的专业心,责任感,开拓创新意识和积极进取精神。

    With macro and strategic foresight , professional , responsibility , exploration innovation and enterprising spirit .