
jìn kǒu ɡuó
  • importing country;user country
  1. 而反规避(Anti-circumvention),则是指进口国针对国外出口商的规避行为而采取的法律救济。

    However , anti - circumvention is the remedies that the importing country takes against the circumvention behavior by foreign exporter .

  2. 我国加入WTO后农产品、食品被进口国扣留、退货、索赔等事件时有发生,已严重影响到我国的对外贸易。

    After China 's admission to the WTO , the detaining , returning and claiming of agricultural and food products by the importing country have occurred from time to time , it has seriously affected our country 's foreign trade .

  3. 为了应对这些限制措施,很多粮食进口国正在设法通过签署长期的贸易协定来锁定未来的粮食供应。

    In response to those restrictions , grain-importing countries are trying to nail down long-term trade agreements that would lock up future grain supplies .

  4. 对粮食出口国来讲,这些举措可能会消除其国内民众的恐惧心理,但是却给当时必须依赖于他国粮食出口的进口国造成了恐慌。

    Such moves may eliminate the fears of those living in the exporting countries , but they are creating panic in importing countries that must rely on what is then left for export .

  5. 与此同时,作为全球最大能源消费国、第三大LNG进口国的中国大幅增加了LNG购买量。

    But China , the world 's largest energy consumer third-biggest LNG importer , is sharply increasing its LNG purchases .

  6. 自加入WTO后,农产品出口面临进口国法律法规的限制,我国应高度重视农产品质量追溯问题。

    After entering the WTO , our agriculture products have to restrict by the laws of importing countries . We must pay high attention to building the agriculture products traceable system .

  7. 甚至是金砖国家(Brics)集团也均分成了净进口国(中国和印度)和净出口国(巴西和俄罗斯)。

    Even the Brics group is divided equally between net importers ( China and India ) and net exporters ( Brazil and Russia ) .

  8. 美国的页岩繁荣正在重塑能源市场,使美国把最大石油净进口国的宝座让给中国,并给石油输出国组织(Opec,中文简称欧佩克)成员国带来压力。

    The shale boom is reshaping energy markets , pushing the US behind China as the largest net oil importer and putting pressure on members of Opec .

  9. 2012年花旗集团(Citigroup)的一份报告称,如果沙特的石油消费量按照目前的速度继续增长,到2030年该国可能成为一个石油净进口国。

    A 2012 Citigroup report said that if Saudi oil consumption continued to grow at current rates , the kingdom could be a net oil importer by 2030 .

  10. 中国是世界上最大的铁矿石进口国,其钢铁生产商最近接受了巴西淡水河谷(Vale)65%至71%的供货提价幅度。

    China is the world 's largest importer of iron ore. Its steelmakers recently accepted a 65-71 per cent hike for supplies from Brazil 's Vale .

  11. DoaneAgriculturalServices驻圣路易斯首席小麦经济学家丹曼透那(DanManternach)补充道:这向粮食进口国敲响了有关俄罗斯可靠性的警钟。

    Dan Manternach , chief wheat economist at Doane Agricultural Services in St Louis , added : This is a wake-up call for importing nations about the reliability of Russia .

  12. 2005年1月1日纺织品配额制度全面取消后,面对发展中国家纺织品出口的大量增加,纺织品进口国更频繁的使用WTO反倾销法来抑制此种趋势。

    Since January 1st of 2005 , the arrangement of textile has been cancelled . Facing the rapid increase of developing countries ' export of textile , the textile import countries are getting used to relying on WTO 's Anti-dumping law to depress this trend .

  13. 研究发现,当所有进口国对所有出口国无歧视的采用同一SPS措施的情况下,遵从成本被各国分摊,对于单个出口国来说,这时遵从成本最低。

    It was found that the compliance cost were shared when all exporter adopt un-discriminatively the SPS measures to all importer , and the compliance cost is the lowest for a single exporter .

  14. 本文介绍了WTO《原产地规则协议》的主要内容,并用产品在进口国市场上的成本公式来说明该协议对国际贸易的影响,最后简要论述我国的有关原产地规则的问题。

    Introducing the content of WTO Agreement on Rules of Origin , this article makes use of the cost formula of products in import country market to explain its influence on international trade . In conclusion the author makes a brief summary of China 's rules of origin .

  15. 本论文分析了倾销与反倾销对进口国与出口国的经济效应,回顾了世界反倾销法规的历史,分析了世界反倾销立法与WTO的内在关系,指出反倾销立法的制度经济学的原因。

    This thesis analysis the economical effects of dumping and anti-dumping to the import and export countries , reviewing the history of international anti-dumping laws , analysising the internal relationship between the law and the WTO . The article points out the institutional economies ' cause for the anti-dumping law .

  16. 日本商社丸红(Marubeni)以逾50亿美元,押注于未来几年中国将成为玉米净进口国,且这一过程将改变全球农产品市场格局。

    Marubeni , the Japanese trading house , has bet more than $ 5bn that China will become a net importer of corn for years to come , in the process reshaping the global market for agricultural commodities markets .

  17. 大宗商品进口国也可采取单边行动,以减小自身的脆弱性。

    Commodity importers can also act unilaterally to reduce their vulnerability .

  18. 它为什么会受到进口国的阻止呢?

    And why is it restrained by the importer 's country ?

  19. 中国多年来一直是世界境外消费的主要进口国之一。

    China is one of main importers in consumption abroad .

  20. 第一步是按照以上发生条件寻找目标进口国。

    The first step is finding the target importing countries .

  21. 贸易救济措施中进口国公共利益问题的投入产出分析&以钢铁产业为例

    The Input-output Analysis of Public Interest in Trade Remedy Measures

  22. 日本是世界第三大石油进口国。

    Japan is the world 's third-largest importer of oil .

  23. 我们已经变成了一个净进口国,丧失了在国际上的竞争力。

    We have become a net importer , and lost international competitiveness .

  24. 但对进口国来说,这是一笔廉价的交易。

    For the importing country , however , this is a bargain .

  25. 中国还没有成为汽车出口国,而是进口国。

    China is not yet an exporter of cars but an importer .

  26. 中国是全球最大的钾肥进口国,紧随其后的是印度和巴西。

    China is the top importer , followed by India and Brazil .

  27. 1996年,中国成为大豆净进口国。

    China became a net importer of soybean in 1996 .

  28. 进口国可以用本国的法律来进行回击。

    The importing countries could fight back with laws of their own .

  29. 俄罗斯是一个资源出口大国,中国是一个饥渴的资源进口国。

    Russia is a big resource exporter , China an insatiable importer .

  30. 大多数发展中国家是净进口国,而也有一些是净出口国。

    Most developing countries are net importers , but some are net exporters .