
  • 网络Approach;access channel
  1. 进出港航道水深将达10m以上,与上下游航道衔接自然,对船舶航行和进出港作业十分有利。

    When the harbor basin links up with the upper and lower reaches quite smoothly and the navigation channel water depth is over 10m , entrance and exit for ships would be very convenient .

  2. 深圳港西部港区进出港航道工程疏浚泥水抛泥沙输移扩散规律研究

    Study on transmitting and spreading rules of dredging sediment of Shenzhen Western Port channel

  3. 随着世界贸易的发展,船舶的大型化、专业化和高速化发展的趋势非常明显,这使得船舶在进出港航道时对其通航条件及通航尺度提出了更高的设计要求。

    The trend of large-scale , professional and high-speed ships is clear with the development of world international trade , which makes the port channel a higher design requirements especially in the conditions of its navigation and navigation standards .

  4. 许多港口的进出港航道水深不能全天候满足大型深吃水船的航行要求,船舶需要利用潮汐分时段乘潮进出港。

    The depth of many ports ' channel for ship to enter / leave harbor can not meet the need of deep-draft ships all day , so some ships need to use the sub-period tide to enter / leave the port .

  5. 模拟研究在各种风浪条件下,大型化工品船舶及与化工区相关船舶进出港所需的航道宽度;

    Simulation researching channel width of large-scale chemicals oil carriers and ships relevant to the chemical Park when they pass in and out under various kinds of conditions of stormy waves ;