
  • forwarder;Freight Forwarder;freight forwarding
  1. 基于VPN的国际货代企业Intranet建设

    VPN Based Intranet Construction of International Freight Forwarder Enterprise

  2. 我们只接受LDP的交货方式,卖方需要负责在美国清关,我们将在货代的仓库里进行质量检测。

    We only accept LDP ( land duty paid ) for delivery . Supplier should clear goods from customs in us and then we will inspect goods at forwarder 's warehouse .

  3. 因而,我们得出海运货代企业适合运用SOA思想的结构。

    Thus , SOA structure is suitable for sea freight forwarding business .

  4. 基于SOA的海运货代业务模型分析及其系统实现

    Freight Forwarding Business Model Analysis and System Based on SOA

  5. 本文重点提炼了ST广东分公司货代事业部文件操作中心主干流程进行分析。

    This article focuses on refining the ST Guangdong Co. , LTD forwarding process file operations center trunk analysis .

  6. 本课题研究的目的是中国加入WTO后,对于传统国际货代企业向现代物流企业转型过程中,对物流硬件设备投资的科学性问题进行研究。

    This thesis investigates the reasonable investment of logistical " hardware " with China 's WTO accession while a traditional forwarding company transfer into a modern logistic enterprise .

  7. EDI/XML信息系统为机场物流满足货代和货主的要求提供了理想的平台。

    The EDI / XML system has provided an ideal platform for the airport logistics to fulfill the needs of the logistics servers and the goods owners .

  8. 基于SOA的货代系统的实现中,包括了软件体系结构、组件的实现、关键服务实现以及关键服务流程的编排实现。

    The application of freight forwarding system based on SOA is including the software architecture , component realization , the key services realization , as well as the key service flow arrangement realizes .

  9. 我们是一家专业做东帝汶(DILI)的货代公司,从中国的各个港口去DILI都可以操作。

    We are a professional East Timor ( DILI ) forwarding company , can operate from All Chinese ports to DILI .

  10. 公司拥有美国NVOCC、货代、航空运输、保税仓储、报关等相关资质,且拥有面积10000平方的,是迈阿密保税区内最大的公共保税库。

    The company has the qualification of NVOCC , freight forwarder , Air Freight , bonded warehouse , customer broker , and a10000 sq meter bonded warehouse in Miami Free Trade Zone .

  11. CILP每年在中国举办面对国内和国际物流、货代企业的业务合作会议,邀请海外企业参加;

    CILP hosts business cooperation conferences every year in China for logistics companies and freight forwarders both home and abroad and invites overseas companies to participate in .

  12. 论徐州地区传统货代向现代物流转化问题

    Conversion from Traditional Freight Consignment to Modern Commodity Flow in Xuzhou

  13. 国际货运代理业的现状及中国货代企业的发展方向

    Present Situation and Development of China Int Cargo Agent Sector

  14. 虚拟物流企业&中小货代企业的未来之路

    Dummy Logistics & the Future Road for the Medium - Small Forwarder

  15. 中小货代企业的发展思路

    The Developing Ideas of the Minor Agency Enterprise for the Cargo Transportation

  16. 在货代、清关方面,至少3年专门操作的经验。

    Minimum of 3 years working experience in customs clearance .

  17. 2008年是货代企业充满挑战的一年。

    For forwarding companies , the 2008 is undoubtedly a challenging year .

  18. 铁路货代向现代物流发展的思考

    How to Develop Modern Logistics from Railway Freight Transport Agency

  19. 中小货代企业核心竞争力与市场竞争策略

    On the Core-Competitiveness and the Marketing Competitive Strategy of the Medium-Small Forwarders

  20. 最初,货代只是佣金代理。

    Originally , a freight forwarder was a commission agent .

  21. 这对从事货代业务有相当大的帮助。

    It will be great helpful for the job as a forwarder .

  22. 货代收据开成指示,做空白背书。

    The FCR is established to order and blank endorsed for bank remitted .

  23. 促进教学法:报关和货代实训中新的尝试

    The Promotion of Teaching : Training in Customs Clearance and Forwarding New Attempt

  24. 与货代和代理中介协调沟通;以及为公司内部各部门提供相关信息;

    Coordinate with forwarder and agency ; provide related information to internal department ;

  25. 试论国际货代在未来市场中的重新定位

    Relocation of International Freight Forwarder as Modern Logistic Supplier in the Future Market

  26. 未来我国货代业发展走向思考

    Reflections on developing trend of china 's freight agent industry in the future

  27. 货代充当不同身份的识别标准

    Criteria for identifying cargo agents acting in different identities

  28. 广泛的商检、港务局和货代的资源;

    Wide and close connections in commodity inspection , port authority and transportation agents ;

  29. 传统运输、仓储、货代企业加快向现代物流企业转型;

    Traditional transport , warehouse and freight enterprises are turning into modern logistics ones ;

  30. 要求提供货代费用的付费收据(副本即可)。

    The payment receipt of forwarder expense ( a duplicate copy ) is inquried .