
  1. 随着住房产业作为国民支柱产业的确立以及货币分房政策的实施,住房抵押贷款将成为全社会最主要的住房消费方式。

    With the implementation of the new housing policy , housing industry is now treated as the mainstay of the national economy and mortgage bond becomes the main stream of consumption in China .

  2. 透视贵州货币化分房的边际效益

    Seeing through Marginal Benefit of the Monetization of Distributing Dwelling Houses in Guizhou Province

  3. 随着国家货币化分房等一系列住房政策的实行,许多人有了自己的住房,有了经济基础的民众不再满足于居者有其屋的老观念了。

    With the payment of housing subsidies and a series of national housing policy , practice , many people have their own housing , with the economic base of people no longer satisfied with " Home Ownership " of the old notions .