
  • 网络greening rate;green coverage;forestation rate
  1. 城市拆迁空地对城市绿化率的影响

    Effect of Clearance Area on Urban Green Coverage Rate

  2. 根据平衡计算,该城市绿化率极限最低为27%,理想值为40%,建筑密度应当控制在27%以下为宜。

    According to balancing calculation , it 's proper that the minimum and the ideal value of the city 's percentage of green coverage are 27 % and 40 % respectively .

  3. 绿化率高达50%,小区内配有室内游泳池、健身会所,空中步道,是一个投资居住皆宜的滨江社区。

    Rate of up to50 % , inside the village with indoor swimming pool , fitness center , the30,000-square-foot skywalk , is an investment living suitable riverside community .

  4. 城市绿化率高达百分之七十二,跻身中国宜居城市行列,是中国内陆山区第一个“山林风景型园林城”。

    With the green ratio of72 percent , Shiyan is the first " Garden city " as well as the city fitting for living in Chinese inland mountain area .

  5. 保持绿化率可以保证城市的美丽和吸引力,让即将来朱巴的人和我们的南苏丹本地人都比较喜欢。

    Also , to keep it green , it will also make it nice and attractive to the people who will be coming and our indigenous people in Southern Sudan in general .

  6. 在这些国家,人们对生活的满意程度非常高,而人均“碳足迹”则很低。根据此项排名,哥斯达黎加是全球绿化率和幸福指数最高的国家,多米尼加共和国和牙买加分列其后。该调查由智囊机构新经济基金会发起。

    Costa Rica is the greenest and happiest country on the planet , according to the rankings developed by think tankthe New Economics Foundation , followed by the Dominican Republic and Jamaica 。

  7. 根据此项排名,哥斯大黎加是全球绿化率和幸福指数最高的国家,多明尼加共和国和牙买加分列其后。该调查由智囊机构新经济基金会发起。

    Costa Rica is the greenest and happiest country on the planet , according to the rankings developed by think tank the New Economics Foundation , followed by the Dominican Republic and Jamaica .

  8. 对绿化率、绿地率、绿视率的概念进行分析比较,指出其异同,并说明三者在衡量居住小区绿化质量中的不同作用。

    This paper analyses the concept of these three words , points out the difference between them , and makes out the different function of them in measuring the green quality of a residential quarters .

  9. 按本文提出的避震疏散公园绿地指标规划城市避震疏散场所,既能满足城市避震疏散的目的,又能提高城市绿化率。

    If cities ′ s governors make planning about criterions for evacuation during earthquake according to park green belt ′ s criterions put forward in this paper , they will not only achieve the demand of evacuation during earthquake , but also improve city virescence .

  10. 各个小区的绿化覆盖率(Vf)差异较大。

    The Greenland coverage rate ( Vf ) of each district existed great differences .

  11. 主要驱动因子为:水质综合污染指数、底栖动物多样性指数、藻类多样性指数、GDP、粮食总产量、水产品产量、绿化覆盖率、旅游收入。

    Major factors are water quality pollution index , benthic diversity index , algae diversity , GDP , grain output , aquatic production , greening rate and tourism revenue .

  12. 2007年,全市城市绿化覆盖率力争达到45%。

    By 2007 , the urban green coverage in the whole city will hopefully reach 45 % .

  13. 评价结果显示建成区绿化覆盖率与绿地率增速递减。

    Evaluation results showed that the growth speed of urban area green coverage rate and green rate was decline .

  14. 尤其是西北地区的部分城市绿化覆盖率不足5%,城市环境容量非常有限。

    Especially in the north-west of China , many cities have proportion of green areas less than 5 % .

  15. 绿化覆盖率频数曲线模式&一种评估城市绿化水平的新方法

    The model about frequency curve of greening overlay rate & a new method about appraising the level of urban greening

  16. 城市绿化覆盖率达35.3%,人均占有绿地面积7.9平方米。

    The green coverage rate reaches 35.3 % , which allows the per capita green area up to 7.9 square meters .

  17. 公园内部样点间也存在明显的梯度变化规律,主要影响因素有绿化覆盖率、植被生长状况、植被类型等。

    There are Obviously Changes of gradient , Main factors are Green Coverage , Vegetation Growth , Vegetation Types and so on .

  18. 影响绿化覆盖率和斑块面积频率分布的主要因素是公园性质大型斑块的分布状况。

    The main factor which affects the green cover percentage and the distribution of patch area is the distribution of the large patches in parks .

  19. 2009年我国城市人均拥有公园绿地面积达9.71平方米,建成区绿化覆盖率37.37%[1],城市绿化迈开了新的步伐。

    In 2009 , our urban per capita green area covers 9.71 square , and green coverage reaches 37.37 % . Urban greening starts opening new strides .

  20. 以独特简约的建筑风格,67%的绿化覆盖率,成为国内一流的专业香精香料现代化花园型生产企业。

    With unique and simple building style and67 % green coverage in the plant , Shanghai Bairun is one of the most modern flavour and fragrance makers in China .

  21. 三江源国家公园管理局局长李晓南表示,他们计划在未来两年内增加公园的绿化覆盖率和野生动物种类。

    The bureau plans to increase the park 's green coverage and wildlife species in the next two years , said Li Xiaonan , director of the administration bureau .

  22. 热岛区域共同特点是绿化覆盖率低,水体较少,建筑物、人口或工业热源比较集中。

    Common characters for the heat island areas are : lower green coverage , less water body , more buildings , population and sources of industrial heats were mustered .

  23. 本文首次探讨并提出了应用航空遥感和计算机技术建立以绿化覆盖率频数曲线为特征的城市绿化水平评估模式。

    This is the first research on the evaluation model of the level of urban greening characterized by frequency curve of green rate with the technique of aerial remote sensing and computers .

  24. 绿地率、绿化覆盖率、绿视率指标各有衡量道路绿化水平的侧重点,应综合运用。

    The greening rate , percentage of greenery coverage , green looking rate can measure the level of urban road green space from different angles , we should use them compositely . 2 .

  25. 城市绿带作为城市道路景观的重要组成部分,在城市的绿化覆盖率中占有相当大的比例,既担负着改善城市生态环境的重任,又是城市景观精神风貌建设的重要载体。

    As an important part of city road landscape , greenbelt takes a large part of city greenery coverage , not only improving city environment , but also reflecting the spirit of city .

  26. 例如武汉截止去年建成区绿化覆盖率为37.42%,绿地率32.1%,人均公园绿地9.21平方米。

    As of last year , for example , Wuhan has built-up area of green coverage to 37.42 percent , the rate of 32.1 percent green space , public park 9.21 square meters per capita .

  27. 以上海市为典型区域,分析了热岛比例指数与人口密度、绿化覆盖率等的关系。同时分析了热岛聚集度与风速的关系,对热岛形成的一些成因进行了定量的分析。

    As a typical area of shanghai , Quantitative Analysis are used in the relation of URI and density of population , relation between URI and percentage of greenery coverage , the UHI crowding level and the wind speed .

  28. 为改善城市环境质量,郑州市拟将城市绿化覆盖率由目前的28.5%提高到40%,本文运用生态分析的方法,对郑州市绿地的生态效益进行评价,估算其对空气质量改善的生态效益。

    In order to promote the city environment quality , the coverage ratio of green land will increase from 28.5 % in 2000 to 40 % in 2010 . The ecology benefit of urban green land was studied by using ecology method .

  29. 武钢绿化覆盖率为30.58%,主要由中小型绿地斑块组成。

    Wuhan steel & iron industrial district is covered by greenland at the rate of 30 . 58 % , which is comprised by little patches whose size are 0 . 1-0 . 5hm2 ( 43 . 93 % of total greenland ) .

  30. 结合上海市多年降雨特点、区域土壤稳定入渗速率以及城市绿化覆盖率现状的分析显示,在上海中心城区和新城市化区域新建或改建适当比例的下凹式绿地具有理论上的可行性。

    Based on the analysis of the secular precipitation , soil stable infiltration rate and present urban green open space area in the center urban of Shanghai , sunked green space could be built in proper areas of center urban and developing urbanization area .