
  1. 今年6月,霍尼韦尔公司拥有的一架GulfstreamG450飞机进行了第一次使用生物燃料的跨大西洋飞行,飞机从新泽西起飞,在巴黎着陆,其中一台引擎使用的燃料50%为绿色航空燃油。

    In June , a Gulfstream G450 owned by Honeywell made the first biofuel-powered transatlantic flight when it flew from New Jersey to Paris using a50-50 blend of Green Jet Fuel in one of its engine .

  2. 在美国,霍尼韦尔的绿色航空燃料产自于亚麻籽油,亚麻是一种不可食用的杂草,与旱地小麦轮流栽培。

    In the U.S. , Honeywell makes Green Jet Fuel from oil of camelina seeds , an inedible weed , that is grown in rotation with dry-farmed wheat .

  3. 此外,绿色航空是未来航空业的发展趋势,我国作为航空大国,应当致力于航空减排。

    In addition , the green aviation is the trend of future development of the aviation industry . As a powerful aviatic country , China should be committed to aviation emissions .

  4. 绿色民用航空发动机关键技术

    Critical Technologies of Green Aeroengine for Commercial Aircraft