
  1. 许多公司正在开始实行呗称作“绿色出行计划”(GTP)的差旅或出行政策。

    Many businesses have developed a transport policy sometimes called a Green Travel Plan ( GTP ) .

  2. 绿色出行,从我做起,骑行天下,快乐骑行!

    Green travel , start from me , happy , riding bike !

  3. 绿色出行全方位打造低碳世博。

    Green travel all-round help low-carbon Expo .

  4. 而电动车便是绿色出行方式中的一种优化选择。

    So the electric vehicle is one of optimization choice in the green way to travel .

  5. 因此,推动绿色出行,你只需要插上插头,躺下,就可以做个环保之梦了。

    So to drive green , plug in , lay down and get some ozone-free Zs .

  6. 在提高公共交通安全性、舒适性后,将吸引更多游客使用公共交通,实现绿色出行。

    In improving public transportation safety , comfort , will attract more tourists use public transport , realizing green travel .

  7. 面对日益拥堵的城市交通状况,世界各地都提出了绿色出行的倡议。

    Faced with the increasing congestion status in urban traffic , people all over theworld have proposed an idea of Green Travel .

  8. 这是北京承诺推动的“绿色出行”计划的组成部分,目的是改善空气污染和交通拥堵。

    The move is part of Beijing 's pledge to promote " green commutes " as it combats air pollution and traffic congestion .

  9. 随着绿色出行的大力倡导,更多人出行选择公交和地铁,使得公交车的等待乘客增加。

    With " green travel " advocating , more and more people travel by bus and subway , which makes waiting passengers increasing .

  10. “绿色出行计划”包括一系列具体措施,旨在为员工上下班和外出差旅提供更有效也更环保的选择。

    A business travel plan is a set of measures that provide your staff with more efficient and environmentally friendly options for travelling to work and travelling on business .

  11. 为了鼓励车主绿色出行,国产品牌的电动车可以从中央和地方政府那里获得共12万元人民币的补贴。

    To encourage drivers to go green , domestic electric cars receive a combined subsidy from the central and local governments of 120,000 renminbi , or about $ 19,000 .

  12. 企业应该努力创造条件,制定并实施“绿色出行计划”。而要想有效实行这一计划,关键在于发动广大员工参与,同时取得高层管理者的支持。

    Businesses should work towards developing a Green Travel Plan and for a travel plan to be effective it is important to involve staff and secure the support of senior management .

  13. 由于如免费牌照注册、多级采购补贴等政策的原因,新能源汽车的数量迅速增加。新能源汽车易于被上海市民接受,也是因为其绿色出行的概念。

    The amount of NEVs grew rapidly due to policies like its free registration , multistage purchasing rebates , etc. NEVs accepted easily by Shanghai citizens also because of its green traveling concept .

  14. 其他绿色出行方式还包括拼车、骑行;如果你的工作地点离家不远的话,你还有个更健康的选择:步行。

    Other greener options are carpooling , riding a bike or you can also walk if you want a healthier option and if your workplace is not that far away from your home . 2 .

  15. 公共交通便是绿色出行方式之一,它也是目前城市居民首选的交通出行方式,但公共交通作为一种长路途的出行方式,也有它的弊端之处,它不能直达目的地。

    Public transport is the green way to travel , itis also the preferred way traffic travel urban residents , but public transport as a way to travel along road , but also has its drawbacks at , it can not direct the destination .

  16. 绿道建设的发展正是人们为改善城市绿色空间环境、构建城市生态网络、倡导绿色健康出行以及践行低碳生活休闲方式所采用的一种重要途径。

    The development of the greenway construction is an important way for people to improve the environment of urban green space , build urban ecological networks , promote green and healthy travel and practice low-carbon life .