
  1. 本文所述的济南公交线路自助查询系统,依托Powerbuilder作为开发语言并结合SqlServer数据库,用于提供快速、简洁的城市公交站点、线路查询。

    To meet the needs , I develop the Jinan self-service bus lines enquiry system which uses Powerbuilder as the develop language , combining with SQL SERVER database for providing fast , and simple enquiry with urban public transport sites , lines .

  2. 然后在理论基础上,简单介绍了济南公交,指出了济南公交员工培训的特殊性和意义。

    Then , on the basic of theory , Jinan Bus is introduced , pointing out the particularity and significance of Jinan Bus staff training .

  3. 通过对公交行程时间的预测方法及运营发车时间间隔模型的研究,提出了适合济南公交实际运营的公交车发车时间间隔实施方法,并通过模型解析最终验证方法的可行性。

    By bus travel time prediction methods and operational model of departure time intervals , put forward for the actual operation of Jinan transit bus departure time interval implementation methods , and ultimately resolved by the model validation method is feasible .

  4. 因此,本文选择研究济南公交员工培训问题具有理论和现实意义。本文首先归纳总结了员工培训的含义,对员工培训的概念进行了界定,然后描述了员工培训的特征,阐述了员工培训的作用。

    So , this research choosing Jinan bus staff training problem has theoretical and practical significance . First , article summarizes the meaning of staff training , defines the concept of staff training , then describes the characteristics of staff training , expounds the role of staff training .

  5. 济南快速公交系统规划实践

    The Practice of Bus Rapid Transit Planning in Jinan

  6. 关于济南市公交管理信息化的思考

    Some Reflections on Jinan Public Transportation Informatization