
  1. 济南奥体中心体育馆火灾后检测鉴定

    Inspection assessment on stadium of Jinan Olympic Sports Center after fire

  2. 济南奥体中心体育场钢结构支撑卸载全过程模拟

    Whole removal process simulation of temporary support of Jinan Olympic Stadium

  3. 济南奥体中心体育馆采用大跨度弦支穹顶结构。

    Large-span suspended-dome was adopted in Ji nan Olympic Center Gymnasium .

  4. 济南奥体中心体育馆弦支穹顶索力检测

    Measurement of Cable Force in Suspended-dome in Ji'nan Olympic Center Gymnasium

  5. 地质雷达检测在济南奥体中心主体育场工程中的应用

    Application of Geological Radar Inspection in Jinan Olympic Sports Center Stadium Engineering

  6. 济南奥体中心体育场大跨空间结构总装分析

    Whole structure analysis of the large-span spatial structure in Jinan Olympic Stadium

  7. 济南奥体中心体育场节点模型试验研究

    Experimental research on key joints of Jinan Olympic Stadium

  8. 济南奥体中心体育场结构模型模拟地震振动台试验研究

    Shaking table model test of Jinan Olympic Stadium

  9. 最后,以济南奥体中心项目为例对研究思路进行了实证验证。

    Finally , paper use Jinan Olympic Sports Center project as an example of the idea of an empirical validation studies .

  10. 单位:山东大学齐鲁医院的皮肤科、神经内科、心外科和济南铁路中心医院的神经内科。

    SETTING : Departments of Dermatology , Neurology and Cardiac Surgery of Qilu Hospital Affiliated to Shandong University and Department of Neurology of Jinan Railway Center Hospital .

  11. 同时,本文不仅仅局限在理论研究上,而是以济南奥体中心作为样本进行分析。

    At the same time , this paper not only on the theoretical study , but also with the Ji ' nan Olympic Sports Center as the samples for further analysis .

  12. 济南的中心城市地位,外围6城市的分布格局和产业结构特点,为构筑城市经济圈提供了得天独厚的基础条件。

    The central city position of Jinan and the distribution of its outer-ring 6 cities with characteristic industries have improved the basis condition in gifts of nature for building the city economy circle .

  13. 济南邮区中心局函件称重计量系统是立足于函件处理中心工作实际,采用先进的设计理念和开发技术建立的、面向生产使用的管理系统。

    Letter Weighing Measurement System for Ji ' nan Postal Center is a synthesis management system developed by using advanced design methods and technologies . It is established in the real work of the Mail Center and for production use .

  14. 济南奥林匹克体育中心室外暖通管线优化设计计算

    Optimization and design calculation of outdoor water pipeline in Jinan Olympic Sports Center

  15. 济南奥林匹克体育中心自然通风设计

    Natural ventilation design of Jinan Olympic Sports Center

  16. 济南奥林匹克体育中心体育场扩声系统简述助听器与声音扩大系统

    A Brief Introduction of the Sound Reinforcement System of the Stadium in the Jinan Olympic Gym Centre

  17. 目前,本文的研究成果已经在以济南烟草物流中心为代表的32个烟草行业地市级卷烟物流配送中心中得到了推广应用,取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益。

    The research results , which have been applied to 32 city-level tobacco distribution centers , have achieved good economic benefit and social benefit .

  18. 本文以济南奥林匹克体育中心体育场看台为研究背景,通过地震模拟振动台试验和精细的结构分析,对挑篷结构的抗震性能进行了深入的研究。

    Based on the shaking table experiment of Jinan Olympic Center and finite element analysis , the seismic performances of cantilever roof structure were deeply studied .

  19. 最后,本文提出了建设济南金融商务中心区的政策建议,包括巩固实体经济基础、引进优秀人才、发展本地特色金融、加大政策扶持等。

    At last , get the conclusion of this article and policy suggestions , including to consolidating the basis of the real economy , promote the inflow of talent , develop local special finance and intensify policy support .

  20. 济南高新开发区中心广场规划设计

    Analysis of the planing of center square of Jinan High-tech Development Zone