
  1. 采用钯量子点修饰氧化锌纳米线后可以得到超高灵敏度和高选择性的硫化氢气体传感器,可以检测ppb级的硫化氢气体。

    We used Pd QDs to modify ZnO nanowires , thus we got the highly sensitive and highly selective H2S gas sensor . The sensor can detect H2S gases of ppb grade .

  2. 本文介绍了MQLQ-11型硫化氢气体传感器,论述了元件的材料制备、制作工艺及性能。

    A new hydrogen sulfide gas sensor is introduced , and the preparation of element , the manufacture technology and sensitivity are discussed .

  3. 将硫化氢气体传感器和微处理器、信号调理电路、温度传感器等芯片封装为一体,组成智能化传感器,实现信息存储、自动调零、数据处理、自检、标定等功能。

    H_2S sensor , MCU , circuit and temperature sensor was integrated into a smart sensor , which can realize data storage , auto zero , data process , self check up , calibration and so on .