
  • 网络SAlbutamol Sulfate;Albuterol sulfate
  1. 硫酸沙丁胺醇缓释片的制备及其在健康人体内的药动学研究

    Study on Sustained Release Tablets of Salbutamol Sulfate and Its Pharmacokinetics in Healthy Human Volunteers

  2. 该方法应用于硫酸沙丁胺醇片剂含量的测定并与标准方法(中国药典法)比较,结果满意。

    The method was applied for the determination of salbutamol sulfate in pharmaceutical with satisfactory results compared to the standard method .

  3. 硫酸沙丁胺醇控释胶囊释放度的HPLC测定

    Determination of dissolution of salbutamol controlled - release pellets capsule by HPLC

  4. 目的建立HPLC测定硫酸沙丁胺醇控释小丸胶囊释放度的方法。

    Objective A HPLC method was established to determine the dissolution of salbutamol capsules .

  5. HPLC测定复方硫酸沙丁胺醇双层片含量的研究

    Content determination of Salbutamol-sulfate composite tablet by HPLC

  6. 目的建立复方硫酸沙丁胺醇双层片中硫酸沙丁胺醇、富马酸酮替芬及甘草酸单铵盐的HPLC测定方法。

    Objective To establish a HPLC method for the content determination of salbutamol-sulfate composite tablet .

  7. HPLC测定硫酸沙丁胺醇缓释片有关物质及含量

    Assay for the content and related substance of salbutamol sulfate sustained release tablets by HPLC

  8. 硫酸沙丁胺醇脉冲释放片的研究I.缓释微球的制备及影响因素考察

    Study of Salbutamol Sulfate Pulsatile Tablets . ⅰ . Preparation and Influence Factors of Sustained-release Microspheres

  9. RP-HPLC法测定复方曲尼司特片中硫酸沙丁胺醇的含量

    Determination of Salbutamol Sulfate in Compound Tranilast Tablets by RP-HPLC

  10. 目的制备抗哮喘药硫酸沙丁胺醇(salbutamol;albuterol)脉冲片,并对其释药机制进行探讨。

    OBJECTIVE To prepare the salbutamol impulse tablet , and to discuss its releasing mechanism .

  11. 结论:国产复方硫酸沙丁胺醇气雾剂是治疗慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD)安全有效药物,其疗效和安全性与进口可必特气雾剂相似。

    Conclusion : Compound salbutamol sulfate aerosol is a safe and effective drug in the treatment of COPD , and the efficacy and safety of compound salbutamol sulfate aerosol is similar to that of Combivent .

  12. 不同促渗剂对硫酸沙丁胺醇颊粘膜吸收的影响

    Influence of various penetration enhancers on albuterol sulfate through buccal mucosa

  13. 硫酸沙丁胺醇的流动注射化学发光法测定

    Flow Injection Chemiluminescence Determination of Salbutamol Sulphate in Pharmaceutical Preparations

  14. 目的:筛选硫酸沙丁胺醇经颊粘膜吸收促渗剂。

    OBJECTIVE : Screening penetration enhancers on albuterol sulfate through buccal mucosa .

  15. 雾化吸入硫酸沙丁胺醇发生过敏反应1例

    A case with allergic reaction induced by atomization inhalation of salbutamol sulfate

  16. 反溶剂重结晶法制备硫酸沙丁胺醇颗粒

    Preparation of ultrafine particles of salbutamol sulfate by anti-solvent precipitation

  17. 硫酸沙丁胺醇脉冲微丸释放特性的模型拟合和比较

    Model Fitting and Comparison of Dissolution Profiles of Salbutamol Pulsatile Release Pellets

  18. 复方片剂中硫酸沙丁胺醇、富马酸酮替芬的含量测定

    The stability and contents of salbutamol sulfate and ketotifen fumarate in table

  19. 不同厂家硫酸沙丁胺醇片溶出度的比较

    Comparison of in vitro dissolution of salbutamol sulfate tablets from different manufactures

  20. 多目标同步优化法优化硫酸沙丁胺醇渗透泵控释片的制备工艺

    Optimization of preparation of salbutamol sulfate osmotic pump tablets by simultaneous optimization technique

  21. 微细硫酸沙丁胺醇颗粒的制备

    Preparation of Ultrafine Medicine Particles of Salbutamol Sulfate

  22. 氧气雾化吸入布地奈德与硫酸沙丁胺醇治疗支气管哮喘的疗效分析

    Study on clinical efficacy of bronchial asthma with inhalation of salbutamol sulfate with oxygen

  23. 硫酸沙丁胺醇药物树脂的制备及其影响因素考察

    Preparation and influence factors of salbutamol sulfate resin

  24. 硫酸沙丁胺醇脉冲片含量及有关物质的高效液相色谱法

    Determination of the Content of Salbutamol Sulfate Pulsatile Tablets and Related Substances by RP-HPLC Method

  25. 硫酸沙丁胺醇/四氟乙烷气雾剂的处方筛选和大鼠呼吸道吸收研究

    HFA-134a driven salbutamol sulfate metered-dose inhaler : formulation screening and respiratory tract absorption in rats

  26. 硫酸沙丁胺醇渗透泵控释片的人体药代动力学与生物利用度

    Study on the human pharmacokinetics and relative bioavailability of salbutamol sulfate oral osmotic pump controlled tablets

  27. 口服液体控释系统研究Ⅰ.硫酸沙丁胺醇药物树脂的制备及其表征

    Investigation of Oral Liquid Controlled Release System ⅰ . Preparation and Characterization of Salbutamol Sulfate Resinate

  28. 根据离子交换原理采用动态吸附法制备了硫酸沙丁胺醇药物树脂。

    The adsorption of salbutamol sulfate on cation exchange resin was studied by the dynamic method .

  29. 硫酸沙丁胺醇控释小丸胶囊的人体相对生物利用度研究

    Studies on the relative bioavailability of a novel controlled - release salbutamol capsule in healthy volunteers

  30. 硫酸沙丁胺醇氧气驱动雾化吸入治疗毛细支气管炎的观察及护理

    Observation on Ventolin oxygen motivated atomization inhalation to treat patients with bronchiolitis and nursing care of them