
gāo céng
  • high-rise;high position
高层 [gāo céng]
  • (1) [high-rise]∶处于或出现在地球表面较高处

  • 高层大气层

  • (2) [high position]∶官职或地位处于最高层次

  • 历朝历代的皇亲国戚都是高官厚禄,居于社会的最高层

高层[gāo céng]
  1. 他们居住的地方是坐落于一片钢筋水泥丛林中的12栋高层公寓楼。

    They live in 12 high-rise apartment buildings that sit in a desert of concrete

  2. 许多巨大的高层建筑在这座城市拔地而起。

    Many monster high-rise buildings spring up all over the city .

  3. 这类决定一般属于高层管理的职责范围。

    Such decisions are normally the province of higher management .

  4. 高层管理部门已经正式批准这些计划。

    Senior management have given their seal of approval to the plans .

  5. 商界高层的女性代表不足。

    Women are under-represented at senior levels in business .

  6. 该公司的高层管理人员共用一间开敞式办公室。

    The firm 's top managers share the same open-plan office .

  7. 足协高层可能还要受到训诫并被处以罚款。

    FA chiefs could still face a rap and a possible fine

  8. 大多数空缺属于高层职位,要求具备相应的资历。

    Most vacancies are at senior level , requiring appropriate qualifications .

  9. 约翰在三层门房的最高层。

    John was on the uppermost floor of the three-storey gatehouse

  10. 总统一直在和最高层助理开私下碰头会。

    The president has been huddling with his most senior aides

  11. 处于最高层的女性仍然不够多。

    We still do not have enough women at the very top .

  12. 公司的高层管理人员拒绝理智行事。

    The company 's top executives had refused to listen to reason .

  13. 我在出版界担任高层要职。

    I had a very high-powered senior job in publishing .

  14. 我们需要让更多的女性进入高层管理。

    We need to get more women into top management

  15. 他十分富有,并且是政治高层一颗冉冉升起的新星。

    He was rich , and a rising star in the political firmament .

  16. 龙头公司会在磨砺高层管理人员的技能上付出时间和金钱。

    Leading companies spend time and money on honing the skills of senior managers

  17. 高层主管们相信罢工的影响微不足道。

    Senior managers are convinced that the strike will have a negligible impact .

  18. 火山爆发在高层大气中留下了一层薄薄的尘土。

    The eruption has left a thin veil of dust in the upper atmosphere

  19. 高层领导将要讨论销售量如何削减。

    Senior officials will be discussing how the volume of sales might be reduced .

  20. 他因试图越过高层官员自作主张而受到斥责。

    He was reprimanded for trying to go over the heads of senior officers .

  21. 核心人物是保守党政府内一个貌似仁和的高层人物。

    The central character is a deceptively emollient senior figure in a Conservative Government .

  22. 有一次未遂的暗杀行动是针对该国的3名最高层领导人而来的。

    One assassination attempt was directed against the country 's top three government leaders .

  23. 但现在高层代表团将恢复今年早些时候终止的对话。

    But now high level delegations will reopen talks that broke up earlier this year .

  24. 这份媒体发布的声明激起了戈尔阵营以及其他民主党高层人士的愤怒抗议。

    The press release provoked furious protests from the Gore camp and other top Democrats .

  25. 昨晚,一场大火吞噬了一座高层建筑,两位消防员被烧伤。

    Two firemen were hurt in a blaze which swept through a tower block last night .

  26. 她是一个女强人,已经升至一个性别歧视意识根深蒂固的组织的最高层。

    She is a strong woman who has risen to the top of a deeply sexist organisation

  27. 我个人更喜欢现代化的大楼里舒适的高层公寓。

    My own tastes run to a comfortable apartment , somewhere high in a modern building .

  28. 政府中有没有哪位高层人物支持采取不同政策?

    Was there anyone particularly high in the administration who was an advocate of a different policy ?

  29. 我们从最底层开始,是一步一步奋斗到最高层的。

    We started from the bottom and we had to work our way up to the top .

  30. 和布莱尔先生关系密切的一位高层人士告诉我们说:“我们的立场没有改变。”

    A senior source close to Mr Blair told us : ' Our position has not changed . '