
  • 网络high-processing degree
  1. 加工工业存在虚高加工度化现象,非常规替代问题突出。

    And such problems as false highly - processing phenomenon , the non-conventional substitution question is prominent in the manufacturing industry .

  2. 通过本文研究,发现中国工业的产出结构呈现高加工度化的趋势,而投入结构的变动特征是逆高加工度化。

    Through this research , the article unveils the high-processing trend of Chinese industrial output structure ; while the changing characters of input structure is counter high processing .

  3. 这一过程实际上是产业由劳动密集型产业向资本密集型产业、技术知识密集型产业转化并伴随产品向高加工度化、高附加价值化、高技术含量转变。

    In fact , it 's a process of industrial transformation from labor-intensive pattern to capital-intensive and technique-intensive pattern . Accompanied with the production 's change toward highly processing highly-extra value .

  4. 本文主要从产业结构及就业结构、工业结构及工业资源结构的变化角度来分析南京市的工业化进程,得出南京市目前从整体上看处于工业化的第二阶段即高加工度化为主的阶段。

    First , this article analyzes the course of industrialization of Nanjing from the point of view industry structure and industry resource structure , then come to the conclusion that Nanjing is in the second phase on the whole .

  5. 从人均收入水平变动、工业内部结构变动两方面分析,并确定太原经济正处于从工业化的初期向中期的过渡阶段,处于高加工度化的初期阶段。

    By analysis of average income change of a person and internal structural variation of industry , determines that Taiyuan economy is in the stage of primary industrialization to middle term and is in the primary stage of high machining degree .

  6. 后来又有关于劳动力在三次产业之间移动趋势的研究,产业结构演替规律的分析,工业化过程与后工业化社会,工业化结构的高加工度、高技术化及产业结构软化等问题的研究。

    Later , there were studies on labor force movement trend among three industries , studies on transformation trend of industrial structure , studies on industrialization and after-industrialization society , studies on industrial structure 's highly process , highly technology , and intenerate .