
  • 网络High Speed Passenger Ship
  1. 铝质高速客船涂装工艺技术研究

    Study on painting technology of aluminum alloy high speed passenger ship

  2. 一种新型结构型式在钢质高速客船上的应用

    Application of a New Structural Pattern on Steel High-speed Passenger Ships

  3. 台湾海峡高速客船的开发分析

    Development Analysis of the High-speed Passenger Liner in Taiwan Strait

  4. 高速客船总布置方案综合模糊评价

    Overall fuzzy evaluation of general arrangement of high-speed passenger craft

  5. 禁止高速客船夜航的时间确定

    Determination of Prohibited Night Sailing Time for High-speed Passenger Ships

  6. 高速客船无支柱甲板板架结构分析

    Structural analysis on non-pillar deck grillage for high-speed passenger ship

  7. 高速客船生产设计的实践与认识

    Practice and understanding of production design for construction of high speed passenger vessels

  8. 高速客船舱室噪声级预估方法的检验

    Inspection for the Prediction of the Cabin Noise-Level onboard High Speed Passenger Vessel

  9. 单体高速客船的垂向总振动预报

    Prediction of overall vertical vibration monohull high-speed passenger ship

  10. 台湾海峡高速客船船型探讨

    High speed passenger shipping for Taiwan Straits

  11. 140客位沿海单体高速客船

    140 Passengers High-speed Coastal Ship

  12. 本文介绍了一型海上高速客船的结构设计研究。

    A study on the structural design of a type of coastal water high speed passenger craft is introduced in the paper .

  13. 从船舶综合安全评估需要解决的问题出发,讨论将概率影响图理论如何应用到船舶综合安全评估中;以高速双体客船的FSA为例,讨论其应用;

    From the view of practical requirements of the Formal Safety Assessment ( FSA ) of ships , this paper adopts the method of probability influence diagram to estimate the safety of a high-speed passenger catamaran , and discusses about problems of its application .

  14. 高速双体客船船行波特性现场观测

    On prototype observation of ship wave characteristics of high-speed double volume ship

  15. 高速钢质客船的重量控制

    Weight control for the high-speed steel passenger ships

  16. 本文重点介绍如何采用国产高速新型客船进行替代,试图缓解水上客运的矛盾。

    In this paper , the China-made high speed modern passenger crafts are introduced to try to solve the problems in passenger transportation in inland waters .

  17. 应用珠江三角洲部分航道中高速双体客船船行波现场观测资料,分析船行波波态和特性。

    Based on the prototype observation data of the high - speed double volume ship in Pearl River channel the ship wave characteristics are analysed in this paper .

  18. 高速双体船&内河客船新船型

    High speed Catamaran & A New Type of Inland Passenger Ships