
gāo qiāo
  • stilts
高跷 [gāo qiāo]
  • [stilts] 民间舞蹈,表演者踩着有踏脚装置的木棍,边走边表演。也指表演高跷用的木棍

  • 踩高跷

高跷[gāo qiāo]
  1. 马戏团的小丑善于踩着高跷走和跑。

    Circus clowns are experts at walking and running on stilts .

  2. 他一刻不安宁地在办公室踱来踱去,两条腿象踩着高跷。

    He rambled restlessly across his office on legs like stilts .

  3. 社区变成了玩杂耍的、踩高跷的和扮装皇后的天地。

    The neighborhood is given over to performers , stilt walkers and drag queens .

  4. 马戏团里踩高跷的演员

    a circus performer on stilts

  5. 除了其独特的生境以外,红树林最令人注意的特征是构成红树林的品种比较单一;Rhizophora品种的拱形高跷根系;其它属的悬空根系团或呼吸根,如Avicennia和Sonneratia。

    The most noteworthy features of mangrove forests , apart from their unique habitat , are : the relative paucity of the species comprising them ; the arch-formed stilt roots of the Rhizophora spp. ;

  6. 威尔顿诺曼“威尔特”张伯伦(1936年8月21日-1999年10月12号),绰号高跷威尔特,大北斗,张大帅,是美国NBA的职业篮球运动员,曾为费城/旧金山勇士,费城76人队和洛杉矶湖人队效力;

    Wilton Norman " Wilt " Chamberlain ( August 21 , 1936 - October 12 , 1999 ) , nicknamed Wilt the Stilt , The Big Dipper , and Chairman of the Boards , was an American professional NBA basketball player for the Philadelphia / San Francisco Warriors , the Philadelphia 76ers and the Los Angeles Lakers ;

  7. 哇!那个高跷表演者真高!

    NO05 , Wow ! The stilt walkers are so tall !

  8. 在100个水平房鲈鱼上方的绿松石泻湖高跷。

    The100 over-water bungalows perch on stilts above the turquoise lagoon .

  9. 高跷本属中国古代百戏之一种,早在春秋时已经出现。

    Stilt walking is one of the various shows in ancient China ;

  10. 还有一种至今仍受人欢迎的传统表演活动,叫踩高跷。

    Walking on stilts is another traditional performance event popular in china .

  11. 各地高跷,都已形成鲜明的地域风格与民族色彩。

    " Gaoqiao " has now assumed strong local flavor and national color .

  12. 这儿哪能踩高跷啊?

    How can they walk on stilts here ?

  13. 马丁:我是踩高跷的。

    Marty : I 'm a stilt walker .

  14. 野心只是踩在高跷上的贪婪。

    Ambition is but avarice on stilts . w.s.

  15. 另外观众的隐藏才艺我需要一个弹簧单高跷和一把吉他

    Plus hidden audience talent , I need a pogo stick and a guitar ,

  16. 此外还有吃元宵、踩高跷、猜灯谜等风俗。

    There are also eating Lantern , walking on stilts , riddles and other customs .

  17. 他们似乎栖息在距离这世界很远的高处,像踩在高跷上。

    They seem to be perched far above the world , like men on stilts .

  18. 其他的蚂蚁则在其脚部粘上猪鬃,做成高跷。

    Others were fitted with stilts in the form of pig-bristles glued to their feet .

  19. 大熊猫在踩高跷!

    It 's a panda on stilts !

  20. 你别想让我相信妇女生来就是踩高跷走路的。

    You will never make me believe that women were made for walking on stilts .

  21. 它的腿像高跷一样摇摆不定,它们最好的防御是降低身子。

    And with legs as wobbly as stilts , their best defense is to lie low .

  22. 少数民族的高跷,演员均着本民族的服饰,表演别具一格。

    Ethnic groups , in performing " Gaoqiao ", usually wear clothes of their own nationality .

  23. 踩高跷是一种群众性技艺表演,分高跷、中跷和跑跷三种。

    There are three kinds of stilts & high , medium stilt and stilt for running .

  24. 他们正在踩高跷。

    They are walking on stilts .

  25. 高跷鹊两类中的主要的一种;与反嘴鹊相似,但嘴巴是直的。

    Major one of two genera of stilts ; similar to avocets but with straight bills .

  26. 弹簧单高跷运动员通过表演非凡的弹簧高跷舞步而推广了一种新的极限新运动。

    Pogo athletes showed off their moves in an effort to kick start a brand new extreme sports .

  27. 因此,采用高跷格栅可以大大降低超滤操作的能耗。

    Therefore , the energy of the operation of the ultra-filtration with stilted spacers can be saved greatly .

  28. 踩高跷俗称缚柴脚,亦称“踏高跷”、“扎高脚”。乃民间节日在广场表演的一种舞蹈形式。

    Walking on stilts is commonly known as a kind of dance performed during festivals among the people .

  29. 无法席地而坐,高跷阵表演者连休息也是「高人一等」。

    With no way to sit down just anywhere , stilt performers " stand tall " even when at rest .

  30. 内衣秀以马戏表演开始,包括杂技,吞剑和踩高跷。

    The show started with a circus theme , complete with acrobats , a sword-swallower and a man on stilts .